Gross pumping in Venezuela at 1.34 (mbj)


Caracas – Another setback, this time at 1.34 billion barrels a day, suffered from oil production in Venezuela at the end of June, reported Wednesday the OPEC in his monthly report.

According to the Organization, based on secondary sources, pumping in the country accumulates a drop of 307,000 barrels a day at the end of the first half, while the decline in pumping in the sixth month of the year 39, year was up to 47,500 barrels per day compared with those extracted in May

With regard to the impact from one year to the next, the group states that & # 39; Between June 2017 and the same month of the year, Petróleos de Venezuela reduced its extraction by 615,000 barrels a day.

Paradoxically, data provided by PDVSA to OPEC indicate that production in June was 1,531 million barrels per day, which represents a decrease of 2,000 barrels / day compared to May's pumping.
In other words, the Group's figures differ by 191,000 barrels a day from those provided by PDVSA to the Organization.
According to estimates from several independent institutes, the extraction is 571 thousand barrels per day lower than the 2017 average of 1.91 Mb / d.

According to the report of the group in its report, the number of exercises in the country fell to 68 while there were 70 in May and they estimate that 23 exercises stopped working in 2018

The Baker Hughes Company, also reported yesterday that its number of fiscal years operating in Venezuela fell to 26 in June, the lowest figure that has been recorded since the oil strike that took place between 2002 and 2003.

According to experts, the volume can reach a million barrels per day by the end of 2018, due to the difficult conditions in which are the oil deposits, the lack of oil. 39, interview and investment, as well as an internal policy and

Experts confirm that if the same misguided view of the domestic industry is maintained, the reports of the Organization oil exporting countries they will drop each month the drop in mpage of oil in Venezuela.
They say that in 2013, they produced 2.74 million barrels a day, which means that in five years, extraction has been reduced by 51%.


Over the weekend, we learn that the National Bank of China has authorized an expenditure of $ 5 billion to finance projects that help boost oil production in the country. country, until reaching

Finance Minister Simon Zerpa informed that "we have obtained direct investment authorization from the Development Bank of China in the increase of the production of PDVSA, for more than 250 million dollars and we are already launching specific financing under a special credit that the Government of China grants to Venezuela for $ 5 billion, for investment projects direct in production ".

The owner has indicated that in the coming weeks the signing of "3 or 4 new financings will be effective, which will have a very positive impact on the increase of production in the Orinoco oil belt and in d 39. other production areas of PDVSA ". The arrival of a commission from the bank is expected.

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