Guaros of Lara ready to receive the Giants of Guayana


Guaros de Lara will receive in the Bolivarian dome of Barquisimeto Gigantes de Guayana and Panteras de Miranda will visit Trotamundos de Carabobo in Forum Plaza Valencia, in the first two games of the semifinal of the professional basketball league, which will be They will celebrate today and tomorrow.

The Larenses arrive at Guaiqueríes de Margarita in the quarterfinals, sweeping the series 3-0, while the "colossi" did the same against Cocodrilos de Caracas, but in five commitments (3-2)

Guaros will become the favorite against the Giants because of the depth of the team, the biggest play and the performance achieved on the regular round, where they have won 15 matches and have just lost one.

A semi-final against a team that had a good regular season and was reinforced by exceptional players. It will be a rather difficult series, quite strong, "said José David Hernández, sports director of the Larense team.

" We have worked for many years to achieve the staff we have today . I trust them, that's why we do not take any strengthening, "said Hernández.

In the other series, Trotamundos will come out as quoted against Panteras, who lives one of his best seasons of the last years.

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