Haiti suspends increases in fuel prices due to violent protests


The Government of Haiti suspended "until further notice" the increase in fuel prices after two days of violent protests that left at least three dead, dozens of injured vehicles, looted and burned in the capital and other parts

Demonstrations in Haiti for the rise of fuels: three dead and 12 wounded

Hours after appearing on television to call for calm and restoration of order, the Haitian Prime Minister, Jack Guy Lafontant canceled the planned increase in fuel via his Twitter account

"The government announces the suspension of the measure d & # 39; oil price adjustment until new order, "said the cabinet chief, stating that" violence and democracy are fundamentally incompatible. "

Lafontant, again, "vigorously" condemned the acts of "violence and vandalism" perpetrated after the announcement. However, the decision of the Prime Minister did not appease the protests in the Haitian streets, since in the districts of the capital such as Delmas Lalue, Nazon, Champs-de-Mars Sofa-Vert and Carrefour, barricades still burning and automatic weapons fired

At least three people have been killed since demonstrations began on Friday. including a bodyguard of an opposition political leader who was lynched while he was trying to evade a blockade in the center of Port-au-Prince

The Haitian authorities were surprised by the outbreak of this Friday. , businesses, the closure of the airport of the capital Toussaint Louverture and the total collapse of public transport.

Local media were unable to move to offer greater coverage of events, whose leadership was not called for by any political or social movement.

In the area of ​​ Petionville in the south-east of the capital, there were bombings.

The demonstrations began on Friday, after the authorities ordered increases in 49% of the price of gasoline; from one 40% in diesel (diesel) and more than one 50% in kerosene, the latter widely used to illuminate Haitian homes of large areas of low purchasing power.

The media claimed that the Haitian president, Jovenel Moise will speak to the country in the coming hours, after his return to Haiti from Jamaica where the Caribbean Community summit (Caricom ).

The increase in fuel prices is one of the measures taken by the Haitian government as part of an adjustment program signed last February with the International Monetary Fund (IMF ), with the Prime Minister Lafontant urged "not to destroy the country" and assured that his administration executes his plan "with the heart" to work with the few resources available. . EFE

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