Harry and Meghan will no longer hold hands in public … and this is not by protocol (here we tell you the reason)


Something that has appeared since the romance between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and which helped to popularize its charm is that they were very affectionate in public, almost always holding hands. However, that will change soon, according to the English press … and this is not because of everything that dictates the protocol (which Meghan broke several times) .

Last week, the Dukes of Sussex Queen Elizabeth II was gathered at the Queen's Young Leaders Awards ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, many noticed that Meghan tried to take her husband's hand and hold it, but Prince Harry ignored his effort and, on the contrary, pulled his arms together, which sparked controversy in various newspapers and social networks. However, the reason has nothing to do with gossip.

According to labeling expert William Hanson (as reported by the Daily Mail), it is possible that Prince Harry did not intend to take his wife to the hand in public for Meghan to gain more self-confidence . Moreover, not holding hands makes them more professional.

"Probably, Prince Harry felt less need to hold Meghan's hand," said Hanson, one of the UK's most recognized umpires. United "since the Duchess seems to have much more confidence and security in her new role, needs less emotional [1945900] and physical support from her husband," he added.

"Public demonstrations of affection, such as holding hands, may be accepted in private situations and in purely social settings, but when they are in public, Harry and Meghan abide by official questions and, by therefore, do not consider professional behavior "continues the expert

According to Hanson, the body language of the Prince William and Kate Middleton is more" traditional. " various reports, the dukes of Cambridge are "more reserved" with regard to their emotions and affection in relation to the Dukes of Sussex, who are demonstrative people.

People magazine, Prince Harry "knows how to behave in public when his grandmother, the queen, is nearby. "As a result, he refused to hold hands with his wife. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip have never In this way 71 years of marriage are shown affectionately in this way even though their closeness and complicity are known. According to the royal biographer Gyles Brandreth this could be due to the "Stoic values" of the generation to which they belong.

"The Queen seldom takes her husband's hand in public, and this He seems to have set an unwritten precedent for the other members of royalty," says Expert Express Robin Kermode .

"It is very obvious that William and Kate are emotionally close", "However, they do not seem to feel the need to manifest their love publicly, especially when they are in the official affairs of the state . " Harry and Meghan have never hesitated to show that they are still in the honeymoon period In fact, when they made their first public appearance as a couple, the day of the announcement of their engagement they were photographed by hand, and they continued to do it together, but they do not act in the same way in the presence of the queen ", he adds

"Being a member of the royal family is also a public service post and the idea of ​​showing professionals is very effective. Moreover, it does not mean anything; they are still a couple obviously in love . "

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