Hasan Rohani: Let's stay in the nuclear deal | news


President of Iran Hasan Rohan confirmed on Wednesday that Tehran is engaged in nuclear nonproliferation, therefore no [19659004] will abandon the multilateral central agreement despite the recent withdrawal of the United States (US), as long as the remaining signatory countries will comply with the Islamic Republic.

"As far as possible, we will keep the agreement," said Rohani at a press conference in Vienna after meeting with his Austrian counterpart, Alexander van der Bellen. He also pointed out that the Joint Global Action Plan (PAGC), signed in 2015 by Iran, the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and the United States. Germany is an important agreement for Iran and for the European Union (EU). [19659004] Iran will respect the commitments made in the JCPOA, "provided we can benefit," urged Rohani.

A meeting is scheduled between the Foreign Ministers of the countries remaining in the agreement for next Friday. in Vienna, Austria.

The Iranian president questioned the US decision to abandon it because "it goes against international laws, against UN resolutions and against multilateral obligations."


He pointed out that this action taken by Washington goes against their own US interests Meanwhile, all other countries that have signed the agreement have shown a strong will political, said Rohani.

>> Iran insists on its right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes [19659004] Finally, he added that "we hope that with respect to trade and economic relations (with Iran), they will act with the same determination. "

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