Health removes Chinese valsartan, but instructive does not reach pharmacies


The Ministry of Health yesterday ordered the removal of drugs containing the substance called valsartan, which comes from the Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticais Laboratory, China. However, the departmental health department (head office) of Cochabamba and the association of pharmacies have not received the withdrawal instructions.

The director of the National Agency of Medicines and Health Technologies (Agemed), Maria Julia Carrasco, explained that a "health alert" was issued to prevent the marketing of this product, which contained the Impurity N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), in the active substance valsartan, classified as "probable carcinogen to humans (substance that can cause cancer") According to the decision, Agemed has taken note of a report of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is currently examining drugs containing the active ingredient, valsartan.

The drug is usually used to treat hypertension, recent heart attacks and lymphatic arthritis.

I took care of the collections, but several countries in South America took the same path by suspending the sale of drugs with this compound.At least 22 states have declared an alert m editorial on this issue after the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) confirmed the possible dangerousness of this medical substance.


If you are on a full course of treatment with valsastran, consult your doctor about prescribing another medicine of the same type that does not contain this Chinese substance. "They go to their GP and he gives them an alternative treatment or he will check that the valsartan that the patient uses does not have the active ingredient of Chinese origin and can give continuity to their treatment", Carrasco said.

How to recognize the Chinese Valsartan

According to the director of Agemed, the origin is in the product box.


The Chief of Pharmacies of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Aleida Camacho, reported last night that the official circular for the withdrawal of drugs containing valsartan of Chinese origin has not arrived yet "

" There is no official communication from the ministry, only by the media, "he said.

For its part, the president of the Association of Cochabamba Pharmaceutical Professionals and Owners, Evangelina Omonte, explained that they have not received any documentation, but that in several apothecaries they have not received any documentation. Laboratories withdraw drugs with Valsartan not only of Chinese origin, but of diverse origin. He assured that all pharmacies – there are about 800 in Cochabamba – market this product and that, for its price, it is sold only in the apothecaries of the city center.

The director of Agemed, María Julia Carrasco, assured yesterday that she instructed the pharmacies and corresponding instances.

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