Henry Cavill: the last one to make a misstep with the movement "Me Too"


The actor who represents Superman went into a swampy territory with some statements about the current climate in Hollywood, which would have forced him to be extremely cautious in his interactions with the women for fear of being unfairly accused of harassment. Cavill said, "I do not want to approach her (a woman) and talk to her because they will say that I am a rapist or something." Courtesy

Since the fall of the Thanks to Harvey Weinstein last year after decades of abuse and sexual assault, the general trend in the film industry has been to unconditionally support movements such as Me Too or Time & # 39; s Up and All Those Who Dare to Share Their Testimony in

However, some voices – in fact – dared to warn of the danger of launching a witch hunt similar to that which lived Mecca in the 1950s if it began to judge and publicly condemn all persons accused of inappropriate behavior, before the courts determine whether there was evidence of their guilt.In a letter published by the newspaper Le Monde, more d & # 39; a hundred French artists came to use the term "puritanism" to define the current attitude of Hollywood, which was not very well seen from the other side of the world. # 39; Atlantic.

In the last few months, several personalities have been confronted with more or less important controversies when it was a matter of casting races in front of a single accusation or of calling any attempt at clumsy seduction of harassment. the last being Henry Cavill. In the case of the Superman actor, he went a step further acknowledging that he would no longer dare to approach a stranger for fear of being labeled a "rapist" .

"There is something wonderful in the dynamics of a man who is interested in a woman, in the traditional sense of the word, I believe that a woman deserves to be married. to be courted and entertained, but I may be old-fashioned. It's very difficult to do it if there are certain rules because you can not help but think, "I do not want to approach him and talk to him because I would say that I'm a rapist or something like that". I am someone in the eyes of the public and who knows what could happen if I tried to flirt with someone, "said the actor in a recent interview.

Unsurprisingly, these statements earned him considerable criticism and were followed soon after by an apology in which he insinuated that his words were taken out of context with the worst of intentions.

Given what it's gone, I did not intend to be insensitive.I want to clarify that I've always had women in the honor, and I will continue to do it, no matter what kind of relationship we have.I would never think of disrespecting them, "said the release sent to the Hollywood Reporter's specialized media." All this experience has taught me a valuable lesson on the importance of the context and the nuances of editorial freedoms, and I wait with stubbornness This is an opportunity to clarify my position in the future on a topic of vital importance and heart support. "[19659010] [ad_2]
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