Hepatitis 3% of Mexicans suffer


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The spread of hepatitis is becoming more common and that of type C is the biggest concern of the five that exist of this disease which is chronically infected about 71 million people worldwide; says César Rivera Benítez, an academic at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine

For type C, there is still no vaccine and once acquired, forms are developed. Chronic that can lead to liver complications in the medium and long term. The most disturbing is fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, associated with hepatic adenocarcinoma, detailed

He clarified that if hepatitis of any of its types (A, B, C , D or E) is diagnosed and treated quickly can be cured in 98% of cases

As part of the World Day Against Hepatitis, commemorated yesterday, Rivera Benítez said that this disease consists of an inflammatory process of the liver due to causes of toxic, infectious, degenerative or neoplastic origin.

"Types A and E are acquired orally, through contaminated food, in B and C, the contagion is manifested by transfusions, contact with the mucous membranes, skin piercings, tattoos, tattoos. use of contaminated needles and injuries caused by sharp objects; D is acquired when the patient has already suffered chronic hepatitis B and delta antigen is added to complete the infection " explains the specialist.

"A and B are prevented by vaccination, E with good food management, but in C there is no vaccine and it is worrying because in these cases the chronic forms are develop. "

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