Hernández: The elected delegates will be the voice of popular power at the Fourth Congress of the Pseu


With the joy of the revolutionaries and the chauvinistic loyalty of psuvista activism, this weekend popular people's assemblies were developed to elect delegates and delegates to attend plenary sessions of the Fourth Congress of the United Socialist Party. Venezuela (Psouv), to be held July 28, 29 and 30 in Caracas

This was confirmed by Sergio Hernández, municipal coordinator of the red awning at Heres, who pointed out that in the 203 units of the Battalion Bolívar Chávez (Ubch), of the municipality of Heres, the assemblies were held where the candidates for the delegates of the Psouv were appointed

From the Educational Unit Bachiller "Felipe Hernández", in the parish of Marhuanta, the political leader of the Psouv in Heres in the assembly as a member of Ubch, stressing the importance of this election by ensuring that those who are elected as delegates will be the voice

Hernandez, as an active member, was in the assembly accompanying more than 100 activists who attended this meeting to select the postulants to the party delegates heading to the IV founding congress.

The revolutionary leader in the state capital congratulated the Psouvist militancy for his willingness to participate and choose who will be the standard bearers of the city and will take the lead of this IV Congress where proposals will be discussed to continue to support the government of Nicolás Maduro Moros and strategies to continue to face the economic war of the oligarchy and the empire against the socialist process of Hugo Chávez embodied in the person of his son, Nicolás Maduro Moros .

"Today this is happening at the national level, where the Ubchs choose between men and women who are fighting for active PSUV activism to be our representatives at the IVth Congress." [19659002] Sergio Hernández congratulated the national leadership of the Party as well as the regional leaders and the political teams of the 9 parishes for supporting each of the Ubchs so that the assemblies could be finalized and the names of the delegates of the party founded by the Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chávez [19659002HepointedoutthatsixrepresentativeswillbeelectedforeachUbchhalfmustbewomenandatleastthreeofthepostulatesmustbeyoungwhilehighlightingtheparticipationofyouthinthesepoliticalactivitiesofdeepdebateandselection

Accompanied Sergio Hernández, Ronald Bastardo, Horacio Alarcón and Kamal Naim, member of the Regional Directorate of Psouv; likewise, the constitutional expert Rubén Pinto; Councilor Carlos Rodríguez, of the parish Psuv Marhuanta and María Rivas, CLP Vitanza of the parish of Marhuanta; Ovany Aguirre and Eneida Acosta of the municipal management of Psuv and the support team for the Ubchs.

He recalled that 6 million registered in the Psouv with a card participated throughout the country, in 14 thousand assemblies and popular days to apply and vote for the candidates to the delegates and delegates of the next congress.

He said that the voice of the people was again expressed in response to the call of the party chairman. He explained: "We are fighting an imperial siege and the completion of the IVth Congress is responding to an alternative to build the Psouv methods, which allow us to respond to the complex situation generated by the incessant attack of the gringo. "

his deep gratitude to the militant, Chavista and revolutionary Psouv for his high level of patriotic commitment, love and conviction of independence and peace in the face of the difficult situation caused by imperial interests .

Ronald Bastardo said: "We are observing a non-surrender activism that actively participates in the selection of delegates who at the Fourth Congress analyze the situation of the country hand in hand with the President of the Republic and the President of the Psouv, Nicolás Maduro, to continue to support his government ". [19659002] Carlos Rodríguez said: "We are very happy on this day of militancy s names of the delegates of the base of the Ubch of the party of Comandante Chávez."

María Rivas pointed out that "C & # 39 is an assembly full of loyalty, commitment and humility in choosing the men and women of PSUV to represent us. "

Ubch chief Felipe Hernández, Jhoana Sandoval, "We are very grateful for the presence of Mayor Sergio Hernández, municipal coordinator of the active activist Psuv who always accompanies us in all elections, in accordance with the call that our party president Nicolás Maduro did."

Once the names of the postulates were chosen, the electoral commission will soon announce who were elected delegates and delegates of the municipality of Heres, before the IV Congress. Office of the Mayor of Heres

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