Highlight Chiclayanos: no re-election proposal for congressmen


Some for and of others against. The Chiclayanos showed optimism by the message to the Nation of the Agent Martin Vizcarra, by his announcements in fight against the corruption and especially by the announced referendum which seeks the non-re-election of the members Congress.

Although not everyone considers this proposal as viable, most point out that there is still hope for change.
For the journalist Fernando Noblecilla the message of this July 28, as part of the 197th anniversary of the Independence of Peru, was encouraging and even showed an unknown personality of Martín Vizcarra

"This was one of the most impressive speeches I've heard in my life. President Martín Vizcarra today showed a personality we did not know not and that many of us believed: he did not have one. Today, he has sent a message to the country by developing what most Peruvians want: non-re-election of members of Congress, "says the Chiclayo reporter, as shown in the video of this publication.

For its part, a little incredulous, the economist and businessman Fernando Fernandez pointed out that the problem is not re-election, but the lack of preparation of parliamentarians.

"Este it was a populist speech and I think the proposed reforms are not adequate.Where you really have to work is in education.Non-re-election of members of Congress is proposed, but we have the lowest re-election rate in South America. The problem in Congress is the lack of preparation what we need is to elect parliamentarians with a political expertise, "Fernandez said.

For his part, the representative of Colectivo Chiclayano Despierta Pedro Torres Fernandez, said that he greets the President take the bull by the horns and proceed to the referendum initiative despite the parliamentary opposition Fujimorista.

"The constitutional path is clear, and in article 205 it states that the constitutional reform without a referendum requires two legislatures, as stated by the member of parliament, Úrsula Letona, instead of this proposal, the initiative is submitted to the Congress for approval and passes immediately to the referendum he explained.

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