Hospital deficits worsen due to unemployment


Caracas. The health of the hospitals in Venezuela, and therefore the sick, is worse than it was more than a month ago when indefinite unemployment started because of shortages, said doctors and nurses. , the staff only deals with emergencies and priority cases because the government has not listened to the general demand to ensure the physical well-being of Venezuelans. And they wonder about the fact that the impracticability persists in the face of demands in 226 hospitals in 20 states of the country. "The government is the one that prolongs indefinite unemployment by not showing that you want to look for solutions and effective responses," says Jaime Lorenzo, executive director of Medicos Unidos of Venezuela, an NGO that defends the right to health

. diaspora health staff has increased and has no age. According to Lorenzo, out of 40,000 registered doctors in the Medical Federation, 24,000 left three weeks ago. In Chile, of the 4,000 health professionals who presented the Eunacon test for practicing public medicine and hiring, 50% were Venezuelans.

"Colleagues leave with 30 years of service, new graduates and students who leave the degree.Every day there are more colleagues who are considering leaving the country or working because they think that the government will not deal with the complaints, "he laments.

There are hospitals where nurses on night shifts are the indispensable minimum, according to a newspaper article El Nacional .

"We have deteriorated in a little over a month.Only at the University of Caracas have left 60 nurses who do not believe that the government will answer the call," says Ana Rosario Contreras, president of the school that brings them together in Caracas and chief of professionals who called the indefinite strike, because of the

He expects the government to meet the federation that groups them , a legitimate body to speak, and tell him that if a proposal does not meet the aspirations of the union, the nurses are willing to resign. "

Without the Basics In many hospitals, even the lack of water and cleaning products


Official indifference has compromised the tasks of diagnosis, operation and treatment of patients.The laboratories have no reagents, imaging and radiology services do not work because the Equipment is damaged or missing equipment.

A very high percentage of operating room and intensive care is inoperative and the drugs have worsened.

There is no enough quantity or variety of antibiotics.The department sent drugs sporadically and only reached a small number of patients and for a short time, which prevents providing complete treatments. [19659002] There is "a terrible shortage" of compresses used to absorb blood during surgical procedures. muscle relaxants used by anesthesiologists when a patient is sedated and connected to a machine.

To this is added the insufficient amount of drugs to treat chronic pathologies, such as heart or respiratory.

The quantity is small, and the few Sometimes they arrive quickly and do not cover the number of patients old or new, consult the specialists consulted.

"This situation already existed before the arrest and prevented us from making the diagnosis and paying adequate attention to the patients.This is why the doctors join the conflict on June 26; there are no official reports of deaths in hospitals because of these deficiencies, but it has been learned that several NGOs collect data and keep the progressive record of mortality and deficiency in health services.

In many hospitals there is also no water or cleaning products or detergents.


40 Thousands of doctors the country registered in the Medical Federation

24 Thousand doctors left the country

JJ / I

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