How do you know if you have appendicitis? 8 symptoms that can guide you


Posted on 28/11/2018 8:26:34THIS

MADRID, November 28 (EDIZIONES) –

There are many people who have undergone an operation for appendicitis, among which we know that Isco, the player of Real Madrid, or Rafa Nadal, who did not have an appendix because 39, he was suffering from appendicitis, was recently operated on. These cases show that it can occur at any age, although casuistry shows that it is more common among young people.

It has always been said that this structure is useless, but to what extent is it true? In an interview with Infosalus, the surgeon general of Quirónsalud San José Hospital (Madrid), Dr. Jorge Martín Gil, recognizes that the appendix, "a tube-shaped structure that lies at the beginning of the large intestine, on the right side of the abdomen and which is closed on one side", has a function that does not Is not very clear at the moment.

As indicated, it seems like it can be a remnant of evolution, that's when it served, but that today it's not helpful to be it. human. "However, it has been seen that it can store cells of the lymphatic system, which play a defense role in the body, so that there may exist an immunological function, but this n & # 39; 39 is not at all clear, "says the specialist.

In addition, he notes that no matter who may suffer from appendicitis, there is no genetic predisposition to it. From the American Mayo Clinic, they specify that this occurs most often in people aged 10 to 30, although this can happen at any age.

Appendicitis, according to Dr. Martín Gil, is inflammation of the appendix. This occurs by the obstruction of the appendix itself at the end which is open and which clears the large intestine. Specifically, it is stated that it is obstructed by three causes: Inflammation of these lymphoid follicles; by a fecalite or small solidified stool that is placed at the exit of the appendix and obstructs it; because of a tumor that obstructs the base of the appendix.

"Whatever the cause, the image generated is the same and goes through several phases depending on the evolution of inflammation, in the first place the appearance of" phlegmon ", moment to which the appendix fires; gangrenous, the one in which the blood stops passing through the inflammation and begins to become gangrenous; so if it is drilled, peritonitis occurs", describe ..

All phases are not always established, he assures, but he warns that there is a temporal correlation and that as time passes, the chances of reaching the final phase of peritonitis are many. . "The evolution, more or less fast, will depend on each patient.There are some who spend hours with phlegmon, and others start with necrosis of the appendix because there is a inflammatory reaction very important and peritonitis appears in a few hours, "warns the specialist Quirónsalud.


Dr. Martín Gil points out that the pain begins to be dull, localized, usually around the navel, although the appendix is ​​not located there. Over time, the pain is placed at a fixed point of the abdomen, in the right iliac fossa or in the lower right of the abdomen.

Digestive symptoms such as nausea or vomiting may also appear, as well as fever. "All symptoms do not have to be constant or appear, although pain is essential to appear." There are some appendicitis with tenths of temperature, some do not give vomiting but general discomfort or indigestion, but the classic triad is fever, abdominal pain and nausea or vomiting, "notes the expert.

Excerpt from the Mayo Clinic Summary on 8 main symptoms of appendicitis, which can vary depending on the case:

1.- Sudden pain beginning on the right side of the lower abdomen.

2.- Sudden pain that starts around the belly button and often moves to the lower right of the abdomen.

3.- Pain that worsens when you cough, walk or make other sudden movements.

4.- Nausea and vomiting.

5.- Loss of appetite.

6.- Mild fever that may worsen as the disease progresses.

7.- Constipation or diarrhea.

8.- Abdominal swelling.

"The place where you feel the pain may vary depending on your age and the position of the appendix.. During pregnancy, the pain seems to come from the top of the abdomen because the appendix is ​​higher during pregnancy, "warns the US entity.


As for How to differentiate appendicitis from other abdominal painAccording to the specialist Quirónsalud, it is very difficult, but indicates that what is clear is that if there is appendicitis, the abdominal pain does not give way or is accompanied by the other symptoms mentioned above. In this case, he says that he should go to the emergency department and always do it if in doubt, even if it is gastroenteritis.

In addition to the clinical examination, it is also usual to proceed to the diagnosis to request a general analysis, where markers of infection produced by appendicitis can be observed, then an image or an ultrasound or a abdominal scan, where check that the appendix is ​​thickened. Accurate, the usual diameter of the appendix goes up to 7-8 millimeters.

Treatment in any of the cases is surgical extirpation. No medication can be administered to resolve appendicitis. If excision is done while it is phlegmonous, it is common to put intraoperative antibiotics. In turn, this indicates that the antibiotic is rare in the postoperative period. "We are reserving this antibiotic treatment orally and intravenously to the most serious cases," said the surgeon.

Nowadays, the extirpation of the appendix is ​​done with laparoscopy, a technique consisting of introducing a video camera into the intestine and with small incisions, the largest of 11 mm, it is extracted and extracted by one of these holes. Between 35 and 45 minutes of operation and general anesthesia is usually used. No intensive care unit is needed and it is soon transmitted to the factory. The timing of admission will depend on the evolution of appendicitis.

"After appendicitis, life is normal, Although the first postoperative days are recommended, a diet softer than usual so as not to force the intestine. Then there are no dietary restrictions and you can practice all kinds of sports, "he says.

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