How does Prince George call his father, Prince William? The answer is not "daddy"


For the most part, the eldest son of Prince Charles and Diana of Wales is known as Prince William or Duke of Cambridge. We understand that this is not how their children, Prince George or Princess Charlotte (soon also Little Prince Louis), call their father, but we did not imagine they would do it that way so nice. The person responsible for revealing this beautiful family event was the Duchess of Cambridge who, during a conversation with several reporters during his last act, confessed this detail. "Catherine said that Guillermo was playing football with the kids and one of them said: I think it's George: Will you play football tomorrow, Pops?" ", Revealed journalist Fiona Sturgess, so it seems that the great-great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II prefers to call her father: "pop" before "dad" or "daddy" (dad or dad).

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As we knew last October, thanks to the true author and correspondent of the Daily mailRobert Hardman George and Charlotte also have a nickname for Prince Charles, whom they affectionately call the "grandfather of Wales"., although the most moving fact is that Queen Isabel called in a very similar way to her grandfather Jorge V, whom he called "grandfather England".

During this act during which the Dukes of Cambridge paid tribute to the President of the City of Leicester, who died October 27 with four other people following the accident occurred at the helicopter of the club of football, lThe Duchess of Cambridge also revealed how she ran the maternity ward, now that with the arrival of Louis, they have become a big family. "They are great, thank you", revealed to one of the women present in the crowd gathered in this English city about their children: Prince George, 5 years old; Princess Charlotte, 3 years old and Prince Louis, 7 months old.

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Just a few days ago, the Cambridge dukes revealed their fears as parents. It was in Channel 5 News, as reported by the British press, where Prince William and his wife revealed some of their concerns and fears about the education of their children in the twenty-first century, marked by new technologies and the supremacy of the digital. "We have not yet been able to determine what is the right time to be connected, it's a bit difficult. We have these kinds of discussions with our family to turn off our phone when we spend time together. Because we are all very connected now, We must set limits, for example when we eat. This generation will be the first to fully immerse themselves in mobile phones, social networks … yet we, our generation, do not know how to handle this. Where are we going? What we do with the digital world of our children, "they revealed.

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