How to change WhatsApp tones of contacts and groups, and where to find new tones


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Be WhatsApp such an important application for millions of users around the world, it is virtually essential make application notifications that stand out from the restso that we never miss any message received. For this, WhatsApp offers us the ability to customize the ads of the application in different ways, one of them change the notification tone to contacts and groups, in order to be able to choose different sounds according to the one who speaks to us at every moment.

Although it may sound simple to many, those who have just started with WhatsApp probably do not know yet how change notification tones WhatsAppand how to assign them to specific users and groups. In this article we will see step by step how to proceed in addition to recommending the best place where you can download ringtones for WhatsApp

Change the tone of WhatsApp: how to do it step by step

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Before we watch the process of changing WhatsApp's notification tones, we must keep in mind that there are many ways to do this. In the first place, it is possible to change the general tones of the application, so that the selected notification tone is applied to all messages who are received.

It is also possible choose a specific tone for groupsso that it is easier to tell the difference when only one person speaks to us and when a message is received from a group.

Finally, there is the possibility of assign specific tones to specific users and groups. In this way, each of our contacts will have their own notification tone – if we decide so – and the same with the groups we have set up.

The process of changing notification tones is usually as follows:

  1. Open WhatsApp, and access the settings of the application from the menu in three points at the top right.

  2. Enter the section "Notifications".

  3. In the "Message Notifications" or "Group Notifications" menu, enter "Notification tone" and choose the one you want to use for each type of discussion.

Now, if the intent is to customize the notification tones of a specific user or group, the steps to follow are somewhat different:

  1. Open WhatsApp and enter the chat with the person or group you want to assign a tone to in particular.

  2. Click on the name contact or group to access profile information.

  3. Look for the option "Custom Notifications".

  4. Activate the option and under the menu "Message Notifications", Choose the notification tone that you want to use. You can also do the same thing with ringtones.

Where to download the best ringtones for WhatsApp

Being able to change the notification tones of WhatsApp is acceptable, but there is a problem: By default, it is only possible to choose between sounds included in the operating system itself.. Fortunately, the application does not limit the use of custom tones, which means that it is possible download new sounds and set them up as notification sounds.

Sadly Google Play is full of applications supposed to download WhatsApp ringtones, which are nothing more than advertising for nests and bad practices of developers.and that in some cases they do not even perform their function. Fortunately, one of the most famous Android customization apps for downloading notification tones, wallpapers, and other items to modify our device software, such as ZEDGE, remains the best choice for choice among thousands. tones for the most famous instant messaging application.

ZEDGE, the best application to download free WhatsApp ringtones

ZEDGE for Android

Just open ZEDGE, we will see that the application is divided into several types of content, one of them "Notifications". By accessing this section, it will be possible navigate through thousands of different notification tones classified in different categories, some of which can be downloaded for free, others against payment. Once you have chosen the sound you want to use, simply click on it and, in the new window that opens, access the three-point menu at the top right and Choose the option "Download".

Now it's time to go back to WhatsApp, and repeat one by one the steps we followed before choosing a notification tone, for a contact or group in question, or for all people. However, instead of choosing the media storage menu, we will select ZEDGE as the application to configure the tonesas shown in the pictures below these lines.

al use ZEDGE as an app to choose notification tones in WhatsApp, all the sounds downloaded in the application seem to be used as ringtones and can be assigned to any specific contact or conversation. Without a doubt, the best way to customize notifications on WhatsApp.

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