How to insert WhatsApp audios into Instagram Stories? – Correo del Orinoco


The popular Instagram social network has surprised its users with all the novelties implemented in its Stories, which will now be able to reproduce the audio files sent in WhatsApp.

People who have mobile devices with iOS or Android system can perform this action, but everyone has a different way of doing it.

For Android, the user must have external applications and download them from his mobile store.

– After installation, the user can start recording.
– Save the video in the gallery.
– Share the content as a Storie.

For iOS, just use the function "screen recording".

– Enable recording in Settings, Control Center, Customize Controls.
– Click the green dot (+).
– Open the Control Center and tap the recording icon.
– Play the note in WhatsApp that you want to record.
– Pause audio and video will be automatically saved. Then, it can be shared.

The most recent updates of the stories allow Internet users to ask questions, add two or more photos in a clip and publish the stories of other users.

T / Telesur
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