How to know if anyone has blocked you on Whatsapp?


Modern life brings modern problems … also modern unknowns, like knowing who blocked you on Whatsapp

The company behind the most used cat in the world respects the privacy of its users, therefore, it does not tell you directly who stuck you in the application. But it does offer some features that indicate that you will not be able to communicate with that other person.

This indicates that someone has blocked you from WhatsApp, according to the blog of the application:

– You can no longer see your "last" time or online on the Internet. For more information, read this article.

– You do not see updates to your profile picture.

– All messages sent to a contact who blocked you are left with only one tick / popcorn (message sent) but never the second checkmark / popcorn (which indicates delivery of the message)

– You can not make a call to this person.

If you see that all these conditions are met, the contact may have blocked you.

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