How to survive in the summer without gaining weight


"It is not a matter of eating less, but of choosing less caloric foods, which means that it is not necessary to eat small portions, but healthy, low-calorie foods. rich in nutrients that give us a feeling of fullness.If, on the other hand, we choose high calorie foods with small portions, we will not quell the feeling of hunger and will not eat anymore. "So, some changes that I'll expert suggests to maintain our weight during these hot months are:

Maintain a good hydration. In summer, due to high temperatures, transpiration increases, which, combined with increased outdoor activity, requires greater water consumption. In addition, taking water about 30 minutes before meals creates a feeling of fullness and helps reduce caloric intake by 10 to 30%. On the other hand, vegetables and fruits are the foods that bring the most water (with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals), so that foods like melon of water or melon can account for up to a quarter of the water. therefore its consumption in summer is highly recommended

Eliminate caloric drinks. Like sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages, etc., rich in "empty calories" (those that grow but do not provide essential nutrients to the body). They also cause abdominal distension and heaviness after eating.

Increases the intake of fish over meat, moderating the consumption of red meat. It is advisable to take blue fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna, bonito, salmon …) between 2 and 3 times a week

It is important to take five shots per day. In this way you avoid reaching the table with a lot of hunger and avoid, therefore, excesses. Have a good breakfast, eat enough and eat less.

Simple cooking techniques are recommended, which do not require a lot of oil: iron, steam, grill, oven, foil, etc .; instead of breaded, breaded, fried and stewed with lots of sauces.

The consumption of natural fibers and antioxidants, such as vegetables and fruits, help regulate the intestinal rhythm. Thus, it is suggested to consume two servings of vegetables and three of fruits a day, as well as legumes 3 or 4 times a week (chickpeas, beans, lentils, beans …).

It is convenient to control the consumption of animal fats and olive oil instead of other fats such as lard or butter.

It is recommended to reduce high-sugar foods such as honey, fruit in syrup, candied fruit, jams, pastries and pastries. Instead, it is healthier to soften with aspartame, saccharin or cyclamate.

In the same vein, reduced salt intake also contributes to healthy eating and weight loss

eating well. To do this, simply follow certain recommendations, such as: ordering fish and white meat; salads that can be seasoned without sauces and controlling the amount of oil; Avoid burgers, fries, nuggets, skewers and other fast food; take fruits as a dessert instead of ice cream …

The ultimate trick to lose weight

Dr. Maria Argente Pla reminds us that if we want to lose weight, there is no secret. Negative energy balance, that is, being able to burn more calories than ingested. "But, in addition, to lose weight not only essential a low-calorie diet, it is also essential to accompany it with regular exercise.

" The ideal exercise is a combination of exercises aerobic with another resistance. Depending on the characteristics of each person, you can choose some sports or others. To end a sedentary lifestyle and introduce exercise into the daily routine, you can follow some tips such as: climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking to work or, if you take public transport, download one or two stops before and on foot … In summer, we also have more free time and better times for the sport; there is therefore no excuse, "he adds

. The specialist in endocrinology and nutrition at La Fe hospital in Valence also reminds us:

To lose weight with health, always do it in a controlled manner and supervised by a doctor.

There is no miracle diet "or" detox diets "that allow you to lose weight quickly and safely.

Weight loss should be gradual and gradual, it is not immediate, it takes a variable time to get it which depends on factors such as age, sex, sex. 39, excess weight …

The goal of a low-calorie diet is not only to achieve weight loss, but to correct poor eating habits, so that after not following the diet strictly, the dreaded "rebound effect".

Supplements for weight loss: still under medical supervision

Dietary supplements are an increasingly popular option among those seeking to maintain a balanced diet or to lose weight. But are dietary supplements really necessary or is it enough to have a proper diet? The expert puts us beyond doubt: "You have to keep in mind that a multivitamin does not help you lose weight, nor reduce your appetite." After a balanced low calorie diet, the Multivitamin use is not necessary because regular consumption of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods provides the necessary vitamins for our body. That's why it's not necessary It is not advisable to take multivitamins routinely, however, when a very low calorie diet (called VLCD, very low calorie English diet) is achieved, even when balanced, it is advisable to take supplements given the However, it should be remembered that this type of diet is only performed under medical supervision and for short periods, for example, to achieve weight loss in the face of surgery. obesity ", exp the physician

Source: hi / MF

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