How to use sunscreen during the summer holidays?


How to use sunscreen during the summer holidays? Follow these simple steps to stay out of the sun

Basic tips to go on vacation

Protecting yourself from the damage caused by long exposure to the ultraviolet (UVB) rays of the sun during the holidays is a task important that should be done correctly .

Dermatologists recommend using sunscreen whenever one is exposed to the sun for more than 20 minutes but how to know which one is

Sun Protection Factor or FPS

Check the number of SPF or sun protection factor of each of the sunscreens you see on the market, to find out how much time blocks UVB rays.

A protector with SPF of 30 means that you can spend up to 30 times longer in the sun before suffering damage to your skin, than if you were exposed without it.

Taking into account that the sun starts If you burn your skin after 5 minutes of uninterrupted exposure, a blocker with SPF 30 multiplies this exposure time by 30, allowing you to stay outside for 150 minutes before having to reapply the blocker or return to the shade.

It should be noted that each skin is unique and that the protective factor varies depending on your physical activity, the sensitivity of your skin and the intensity of the sun.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using 30 SPF blockers because the difference between an SPF of 30 and another of 60 or more is insignificant

  as-use -sun-blocker-vacation-summer-illustrative-image
Illustrative illustration of a person using sunscreen on the beach (Pixabay).

Illustrative illustration of a person using sunscreen on the beach (Pixabay).

Broad-spectrum blockers

While a sunscreen protects against UV rays, the Sol also emits UVA rays that cause damage in the epidermis and increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

It is recommended to acquire a broad-spectrum blocker that protects against UBV and UVA rays If the label says nothing about being "off" spectrum ', look among its ingredients for components such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone, cinoxate, oxybenzone or octylmethoxycinnamate.

solar ideal for you, it's time to learn how to apply it on the skin.


It is recommended to place a thin layer (but visible) of protector on the skin before going to the Sun. at least 30 minutes before being exposed to the outside since this way, the blocker will attach better to the skin.

Experts recommend using 29 milliliters of sunscreen to cover exposed skin. adult . If you do not have enough to measure this amount, you can fill the palm of your hand or a glass of tequila to find out exactly how much you will need.

All of your skin should be protected from the sun with a blocker ; This includes the ears, neck, face, feet, arms, hands, torso and all areas that are not covered with special clothing to protect you from UV rays.

The face is one of the most important parts to apply. solar Think to cover everything with enough to avoid suffering burns caused by long exposure to the sun.


Illustrative illustration of a person using sunscreen on the beach (Pixabay).

Things to Consider When Using a Sunscreen

Although sunscreen lotions carry a label stating that they are "water resistant", you must reapply it when you come out of the water. recommends using the blocker every 15 to 20 minutes of uninterrupted exposure to the sun .

If you have little hair or are very thin, it is also recommended to place a blocker on the scalp

in the shade

Normal clothes do not cover the sun but there are special clothes to protect you from harmful rays.

There are special protectors for the face and lips so


Illustrative illustration of 39, a woman swimming with a minor under the sun (Pixabay).

No sunscreen completely protects against damage caused by exposure to UVB or UVA .

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