I do not see a future without the articulation of all the opposition


Henrique Capriles, former governor of the state of Miranda, said Saturday that without the articulation of the Venezuelan opposition there will be no future in the country .

"D & # 39; Henri Falcon at the other extreme, who is Maria Corina Machado, I speak to everyone and I invite everyone to the joint," did he said in an interview broadcast by Televen.

Capriles added that Venezuela was heading for an implosion due to the economic crisis the nation is going through. "The economic question is unsustainable," he said.

"In the opposition, we did everything, but we must continue to do more things," he said, referring to weak opposition proposals.

The head of Primero Justicia added that the role of officials of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces is to save democracy, "it does not mean a coup d'etat".

"I believe that people do not believe in the National Electoral Council but believe in their rights, and these rights must be saved, and here the one who has the strength to win this government is the people," he said. declared.

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