IMF forecasts inflation of up to 1,000,000% this year in the country | In the agenda


  Photo: Repository

Photo: Repository | AFP

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts inflation of 1,000,000% by the end of 2018 in Venezuela, compared with 13,800% in April . [19659005] Alejandro Werner, economist, said that the country's situation is similar to that of Germany in 1923 or Zimbabwe in the late 2000s. In addition, the financial organization predicts a contraction of 18% of GDP by 2018 countries, reported AFP.

The IMF said that Venezuela would chain its third consecutive year in 2018 with a double-digit contraction of its economy and that it was about to lose half of its product gross domestic product in recent years.

"The collapse of economic activity, hyperinflation and the increasing deterioration of public services (health, electricity, water, transport and security) as well as the lack of of food at a subsidized price "] feeds the migratory flows ", explains Werner,


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