IMF predicts negative economic effects in EU by Brexit | news


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) made an assessment Thursday that states that, following the departure of United Kingdom from European Union ( EU), better known as Brexit, will have a negative effect on the Community economy for the countries of the European zone, notably in Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands, which will suffer a 1.5 % of gross domestic product (GDP), long term about 5 to 10 years.

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In this sense, the IMF in its report on the consequences of the London departure process of the European bloc states that "the strength of the 39 integration between the euro area and the United Kingdom implies that there will be no winners for the Brexit ".

The report provides greater impact in Belgium, Ireland and Holland on the trade relationship and economic dependence these nations have with the United Kingdom.

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The percentages of GDP drawback in these countries vary from 1 to 4%, in a calculation made by the IMF based on the parameters of a "pessimistic" situation, as defined by the analyst body.

In the labor sector, the percentages of decrease presented by this report range from 0.3 to 0.7%, in the case of the establishment of a "hard" Brexit.

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