Important! Women over five children are at increased risk of Alzheimer's


Source: subaalternativa

( Caracas, July 26. EuropaPress ) .- Women who have more than five children have a higher risk of Alzheimer's than those who have had fewer descendants, as has shown a study by researchers from the National University of Seoul (South Korea) and which was published in the journal "Neurology".

Also, according to the results obtained, women who had an abortion, spontaneous or not, are less likely to develop the disease, compared with those who have never had an incomplete pregnancy.

The study also showed that women who had an incomplete pregnancy due to miscarriage or abortion, are less likely to develop the disease. Alzheimer's in the future that women who have never had an incomplete pregnancy.

Participants were required to perform memory tests and thinking skills to see if they had developed Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment. A total of 118 women developed Alzheimer's disease and 896 women developed mild cognitive impairment.

Women who had given birth to five or more children were 70% more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than women who gave birth to fewer children. Of the 716 women with five or more children, 59 developed Alzheimer's disease, compared to 53 out of 2,751 women with fewer children.

Women who have had one or more incomplete pregnancies have higher scores than those who do not. women without incomplete pregnancies, regardless of the number of children they have had. For example, among women with five or more children, those who did not have incomplete pregnancies had mean scores of about 22, compared to scores of more than 23 points for those who had or multiple incomplete pregnancies.

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