In a letter, Trump needs priorities over Mexico


US President Donald Trump has recognized trade, migration, development and security as priorities in his relationship with Mexico in his letter issued Tuesday by the future Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. I have a great interest in working closely with you and building an excellent relationship between our two nations, "Trump told López Obrador in the letter read by the next Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard. [19659002] In the letter, Trump reiterated congratulations to López Obrador for his victory in the July 1 elections and commented that "we both achieved electoral success by providing a clear vision to make our nations stronger and better." [19659003] Trump expressed his agreement with López Obrador with "the four priorities he identified: trade, migration, development and security."

López Obrador, who will take over the presidency of Mexico On December 1, he sent a letter with proposals for subjects related to Trump after receiving Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Mexico City.

The American President Icain said his team has been working for the last 18 months with the goal of increasing the relationship with Mexico "in these areas" and that they have been asked to "redouble efforts with their next government team ".

Trump tells López Obrador that his countries benefit from an economically prosperous North America. and after a year of economic reforms, the US economy "has never been stronger."

This economic revival has benefited Americans and Mexicans, but "we can do even better," Trump said, noting that a successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA ) can lead to more and better paying jobs for citizens of both countries.

I think it will only be "if we can do it quickly" because otherwise he will have to choose "a very different path from the present, which is not my preference, but it would be much more profitable for the States United States and their taxpayers. "

Trump said that there was a coincidence with Lopez Obrador that the NAFTA negotiations are resuming soon, when something more is needed. the issue of migration "which only reinforces borders" and grants "that a stronger relationship is desired that will bring prosperity".

On July 26 in Washington, NAFTA negotiations resume with integration into the Mexican team López Obrador will receive Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland at her country home in Mexico City, where a meeting will also be held with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

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