In case of confirmed cases of measles, they disseminate preventive measures



The Ministry of Health of the Nation has confirmed two cases of measles among children treated in the city of Buenos Aires in recent days and has put the health system back in state of alert, that it is the first native people of the country since 2000.

Given the possible presence of the virus, the Ministry of Health of the province, through its official Facebook page, provided a series of details about the disease and the preventive measures to be taken into account by the population.

Apparently in Argentina, measles has been eliminated since 2000 thanks to sustained vaccination actions, but the virus that causes it continues to circulate endemicly in different parts of the world, making constant import.

What is it?

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that can become serious. It particularly affects children and in some cases it can be fatal.

As indicated, the only way to avoid it is vaccination with one dose at 12 months and another between 5 and 6 years. It should be mentioned that vaccines are free in all hospitals and health centers in the country.


Signs of a possible case of measles include high fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis and cough, small white spots inside the cheek and eruption on the face and neck that spreads to the rest of the body. 19659012] (function (d, s, id) {
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