In Ecuador, a kidnapped minor was saved in Cucuta | Cúcuta


In Tulcan, Ecuador, the authorities rescued the infant Sebastián Infante 18-month-old miner who was abducted on 19 July 19459 by a Venezuelan woman at the border, near the international bridge Simón Bolívar that he communicates to Cúcuta with San Antonio del Táchira

The authorities were looking for a woman with black skin, who deceived the minor's mother with false promises of Help ; the suspect was last seen through security cameras in an establishment in the city of Cali.

At the time, a reward up to 50 million pesos was offered, which could give information that would locate the child.

At that time, coordination was made between the authorities, to transfer the minor to the city of Cucuta and deliver it to his mother in the border region

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