In El Hatillo, there were five homicides in less than 15 days


In less than seven months, 16 homicides have been reported in the municipality of El Hatillo | Photo: Vannesa Tarantino

El Hatillo, the municipality that has been considered in recent years as the least violent of the Grand Caracas, between the months of June and July 2018, a count of five murders has neighbors of the region dismayed: assassination on the payroll, revenge and a confrontation of the gangs were the reasons for the cases.

Data from Monitor of Victims indicates that from May 2017 to 2018 there were 16 homicides in the municipality of Mirandino. Of this amount 11 have been up to now in 2018, plus the five have occurred between June and July. With these, the violent deaths that were reported in the last half of 2017 have tripled.

Francisco Maciano Sorsez, 68, was murdered in the bathroom of his house for revenge, allegedly for "sapo" – as a letter in a wall – he had denounced a 19-year-old security guard who is entered his home and stole some tools

The incident was recorded in the urbanization of La Unión, street Bracamonte, municipality of El Hatillo, June 26 In the shower of his bathroom his body was left lying, hands and feet tied, and stabbed several times in the chest. The guard did not act alone, but with an accomplice, also 19 years old. Both were arrested by the authorities.

Ten days later, exactly on July 7, two men fell into a line of fire. They were identified as Edward Alexander Montiel Laza and Cristian Eduardo Ruiz Leon 31 years old. They died in a shootout between rival gangs in Turgua, in the rural area.

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Ruiz León's parents informed, from Bello Monte's morgue, that this was home and left at 8 am evening to buy food, so that he would have been caught in the middle of the firing line. However, El Hatillo police officials reported that both had police records and one of them was a fugitive from justice: Edward Montiel escaped from the police. prison in Polighatillo in March 2017, where he was held for robbery. This week, over the past two days, two more homicides have been reported to form a list of five: Gabriel Andrés de Mendonça de Sá, 33, was located on the morning of 9 October. July with several shots in the body, handcuffed and without shoes in the El Encantado area.

The computer engineer had disappeared on Sunday, July 8 when he was going out doing exercises, apparently at that time, kidnapped by a group of criminals. Police officials said it was an abduction, but after not establishing communication between the suspected kidnappers and the family, the phone was thrown away.

Police sources indicate sicariato's thesis for a debt. Apparently, Gabriel de Mendonca owed several thousand dollars to an organization related to the exploitation of cryptocurrency.

In less than 24 hours, Douglas José Liendo Ocando, architect of 58 years old, he was found by his wife, María Dolores Molina, injured several times by a blunt object. He was in the living room of his villa located in the urbanization of Lomas del Halcón, on San Pablo street in the municipality of Sombreillano.

The architect was working independently in a real estate business and was in the process of getting divorced. At the time, he was dressed in shorts, so it is suspected that the crime could have been committed Monday, since Liendo did not go to get one of his daughters to take her to football, as he played.

Urbanization showed that two men entered the house on foot, committed the crime and left; they took with them the object with which they killed the architect. In addition to killing him, he was stolen from a Chevrolet model Sport Wagon blue vehicle.

The crime is investigated by the Homicide Axis of the Criminal and Criminal Investigative Body (CICPC), however, it is presumed that the motive would be revenge because he knew supposedly his murderers.

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