In the midst of protests Trump hopes to play golf before the summit with Putin


Amid demonstrations on the streets of Edinburgh in the presence of President Donald Trump, US President hopes to spend the weekend relaxed and play golf before the summit with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, scheduled on Monday 16 of July

  Protesters arrive at the beach near the Trump Golf Club in Tumberry, Scotland on Saturday

Protesters arrive at the beach on Saturday near the Trump Golf Club in Tumberry, Scotland.

The summit between the two leaders could be overshadowed by accusations that the Russians have interfered in the 2016 US elections.

See also: Twelve Russians accused of hacking Democrats in 2016

Traveling turbulent in Europe, Trump gave lectures to his partners in NATO's military alliance, scolded Germany for his reliance on Russian energy and shook the United Kingdom after publicly criticizing the Brexit strategy of the first

Trump apologized to May for the outcry provoked by his critics, accusing the "false news" and promising instead a bilateral trade agreement with the United Kingdom after leaving the European Union in March.

While Trump was drinking tea with Queen Elizabeth, a federal grand jury in the United States accused 12 Russian intelligence officers of stealing data from the Democratic candidate's campaign against US President Hillary Clinton. repeatedly said that the investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 elections – referred to as "faked witch hunt" – makes it difficult to reach meaningful agreements with Moscow

after having met the British Queen at Windsor Castle, Trump went to Scotland, where his mother, Mary Anne, was born and owns a golf course, before meeting Putin on Monday in Helsinki.

"I'll be in Trump.Turnberry two days for meetings, calls and, I hope, a little golf My main form of exercise!" Said Trump on Twitter. "The weather is good and this place is amazing! Tomorrow I am going to Helsinki for a meeting on Monday with Vladimir Putin."

While Trump was in Turnberry on Friday afternoon, a Greenpeace activist flew over the area with an ultra-light just meters from the president.

Trump calmly entered the hotel as the ultralight approached and was surrounded by his security team. British police say that they are trying to locate the driver.

After a peaceful demonstration against Trump with tens of thousands of people in central London, other demonstrations are scheduled for Saturday. A balloon representing a baby Trump in layers was to be placed in a park in the Scottish capital.

"I do not want this to contaminate our country because it contaminates the US I am ashamed that her mother is Scottish," said Annette Johnson, 61, who participated in a protest on a Turnberry Beach.

Some Trump supporters will also demonstrate in London. UK Trade Secretary Liam Fox said the anti-Trump protests were "a shame for themselves" because they had shown of bad manners to the leader of the free world

Donald and Vladimir

Trump and Putin, who controls the two largest nuclear arsenals in the world, will meet in the Finnish capital, an event that evokes the clashes of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Trump, a real estate developer in New York with For 72 years, he rents his own abilities to reach agreements, and Putin, an old spy of 65 years of the KGB and black judo belt, will be at one point alone during the summit.

In the most detailed denunciation to date by the United States, Moscow has interfered in the US elections, a grand jury said that Russian military intelligence agents covertly monitored the computers of the Clinton campaign and committees the country. Democrats, in addition to stealing large amounts of data

The accusations pay even more attention to the treatment of Trump Putin, who has repeatedly denied that Russia has sought to intervene or distort an election that Trump , Republican, won unexpectedly. ] Trump said that he plans to take this problem. Asked at a press conference Friday on British soil to find out if he was going to tell Putin to stay out of the US elections, Trump replied "yes."

The President also stated that he does not expect much progress on this issue. The White House said the charges would not affect the summit.

"The announcement has no impact on the Monday meeting," said Garrett Marquis, spokesperson for the National Security Council of the White House. [ad_2]
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