In Venezuela, a "parallel state" led by the Farc is in the process of being established


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Betsy Alvarado V. / July 16, 2018.- "A Palestine is being constituted in Venezuela, a parallel state that directs the Colombian guerrillas in complicity with the Venezuelan authorities", denounced Monday Director of the Non-Governmental Organization, FundaRedes, Javier Tarazona


The Venezuelan government is complicit in the fact that today the guerrillas operate freely in Venezuelan territory. in the border states, because we have already seen recorded in Carabobo, in Aragua and in the capital of the Republic in Caracas, how Colombian guerrillas operate openly and freely, "he said on the periphery of the public prosecutor's office.

Tarazona also took the opportunity to denounce before the Public Ministry the ideologization of children in schools through the use of stories, as well as the condition of the abandonment of educational institutions in the country

"The two denunciations are related sharing of government responsibility in the right to education. In the border states (Zulia, Táchira and Apure), 80% of school dropouts allowed armed groups such as ELN and FARC to capture these children and to implicate them in the crimes that they practice. for years such as kidnapping, extortion and homicides. "

More: Andiep: More than 50% of teachers withdrew from private schools

The director of the Non Governmental Organization, FundaRedes, Javier Tarazona, pointed out that The school dropout currently exceeds 5.000.000 students who are out of class in Venezuela "and in front of us, we have an incapable minister, irresponsible, a minister who is not even a Educator, "he said, percent of campuses do not have access to basic services in Venezuela, drinking water, electricity or Internet access. campuses in Venezuela that do not even have toilets, they have latrines, there are schools with table walls, zinc walls, cardboard in the 21st century when we have weapons all over the country but guerrilla warfare continues to operate freely throughout the country, which is why the armed forces turn their backs on the nation. [19659009] Fundación Redes goes to the Attorney General's office in Caracas to report the recruitment of thousands of children and adolescents in the border states by irregular Colombian groups in Venezuela #TVVNoticias by: https: / /

– TVVenezuela News (@TVVnoticias) July 16, 2018

Tags: ELN | Farc | Fundaredes | guerrilla | Javier Tarazona | children

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