Independencia bonds and Niño Simón will reach 10 million Venezuelan families – Correo del Orinoco


The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, announced Friday the payment of Independencia social protection bonds from July 9, and bonus Niño Simon, from the 24th of this month, which will reach 10 million Venezuelan families recorded in the Patria's Notebook.

"Announcement now in the month of July from Monday, the deposit of the Independence Bond and for the middle of July 24, the Simón Bond Niño for the Venezuelan family," Continue to support with love ", has said Maduro, at a working meeting with the economic cabinet at the Palace of Miraflores in Caracas.

He added that these obligations are aimed at the financial protection of the people in the face of constant attacks against the national economy ., product of a price war induced by groups of the national right, with international actors.

For its part, the governor of the state Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez, he argued that Before the constant attacks by the opposition leadership in the country, wage increases and the system of obligations, devised around the Patria Notebook, represent the struggle that the Executive is making to advance in the country. the protection of the people [19659002"GrâceaufaitqueleprésidentaugmentelessalairesildélivrelesliensdePatriedelaPatrieetlesystèmedeprotectionestquelesVénézuéliensaveclaprotectionduPrésidentpuissentcontinueràsebattreetsurmontercettedifficulté"adéclaréRodriguezdePetareétatMirandalorsd'unlaissez-passerinformatif[19659002] In this line, the mayor of the municipality of Sucre, José Vicente Rangel Ávalos, said these actions to protect the people arouse anger unfavorable sectors Bolivarian government [19659006]. this is what angered the people of the oligarchy and that is why they criticize you -Maduro- both because it helps the Venezuelan people, with a series of social and humanist missions it is the Revolution, the construction of socialism, the humanism ", says Rangel.

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