# Indignation kills the priest of the church Fátima del oeste #Barquisimeto


ELINFORMADOR.COM.VE.- The shooting surprised the residents of Race 2 with Calle 2, in the neighborhood of Santa Isabel, west of Barquisimeto, Monday afternoon. When they went out to see what had happened, they noticed that Irailuis José García Escobar, 38 years old and parish priest of the Nuestra Señora Church of Fátima del Oeste, was murdered.

The crime occurred between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm, just as the priest was entering his truck, model Terios, at the parish house, located diagonally from the church. This was detailed by the neighbors, who reported that immediately he was transferred to the nearest health care center – Social Security Hopistal Dr. Pastor Oropeza – but it was in vain.

He arrived without life

It is presumed that the criminals who committed the homicide attempted to steal the father's vehicle, however, he was in the parking lot of the site of the event .

In a few minutes, the inhabitants of the community gathered in the vicinity of the parish house. Sadness has invaded the stage. Teenagers, young people, adults and grandparents, they cried for this violent death. A group began to sing liturgical songs and to pray, to dismiss the priest. More and more neighbors joined. They were shocked.

A Man of God

Irailuis García was only a few days away from receiving his law degree from the University of Yacambú. He was part of the LXI promotion.

He was also a priest wanted by the community because during his 14 years of religious service, he dedicated himself to working for the poor through fundraising campaigns. .

Another murdered priest

Father José Ramón Mendoza Vásquez was shot dead in El Turbio in February 2013. He was reportedly stolen. his vehicle


Following the assassination of Irailuis García, CICPC officials deployed in the area in search of two men accused of attacking the priest. At the end of this edition, it was learned that one of them had been killed, according to reports, while facing the commission of officials, one of which had been hurt in the face. The second subject fled.

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