Inflation in the country could reach 700,000% by the end of the year


In Venezuela, it is not necessary to wait a month for prices to double in the economy. Without a salary increase that can offset the financial imbalance or the opportunity to buy products before they increase their prices. Scarcity and high prices have been part of the daily life of Venezuelans.

Natan Lederman, professor of economics at Metropolitan University, warned that inflation in the country could reach 700,000% by the end of the year.

"As usual" it has now been with a 20-point increase over the previous year, it is likely that the inflations will be recorded at least 1million per year, "he said.

The Nicolás Maduro government has stopped providing information on the percentage of inflation. 2015 was the last year that the Central Bank of Venezuela released the figure of inflation in the country, which for the date was 180.9% and reached for the first time the three figures.

He stressed that the country is preparing to conclude the year with the highest inflation rate in the history of Latin America and one of the ten higher in the history of the world

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