Informative Flash: The future with the ETF and investment advice with the journal Top100 – Episode 47


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Territorio Bitcoin today published a new episode of his weekly podcast directed by Fernando Molina of Costa Granadina, in the province of Granada, Spain. Territorio Bitcoin launches each week a new podcast with first-hand information, which every investor needs to know to make the right decisions during his next operations on the cryptocurrency market.

In this new episode of Podcast number 47, we promise to talk about what remained to know about Vitalik Buterin and Ethereum last week, but also Bitcoin market analysis as the positive news of this week has arrived dramatically. First, Fernando Molina he received at least 3 completely different, but coincidental, three-day reports at the end, with some variations between them with respect to growth estimates Bitcoin by the end of the year. The predictions of many and those of John McAfee it seems that they will be fulfilled after all, thanks to the news of the week when it was possible to know that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ) United States of America approve ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds or Listed Investment Funds) filed by the Exchange Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE ) ] the largest futures manager of Bitcoin thereby giving access to large capital in the United States, companies of all sizes, including institutional fund management companies or particular to the Bitcoin market. Obviously, in principle there will be a lot of restrictions beyond the minimum capital that will oscillate around $ 150,000 per person from at least 25 BTC. When the ETFs are approved, the capital injection will be historic and they will be able to reduce the value of Bitcoin to three or more to exceed their record value of $ 20,000. Analysts estimate the market will grow from $ 270 billion to more than $ 800 million by the end of this year. Fernando points out that the dates set for this stage of the market will be between August 14 and 18, so we will have to think about investing in Bitcoin .

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Fernando also says, that another news has been added to that of SEC and it is that of CBOE one of the world's largest fund managers will also join CME Group to the party of Bitcoin so the recommendation for ordinary people in the street like all of us if we did not Bitcoin now and at the price of today, we may not be able to return to this price in life. Of course, there would always be the possibility of getting Altcoins at a good price and bouncing back to be able to hang on to the wave that experts say will make a tsunami of maximum magnitude. While this may seem exaggerated, the reality is that everything goes to a specific point in the explosion of Bitcoin in the middle of the summer and then at least until mid -December. The certain fact is that this news of the ETF will still change the geopolitical space of Bitcoin which has been enormously focused on the Asian and Russian market, but which would thus return to the West and Europe with concrete regulations that even in several Nordic countries, they expect to also approve the ETFs of Bitcoin and Ethereum as this is happening in Sweden. Added to this, the purchase by Binance of a banking license to create his own bank, shows the strengthening of the area of ​​Malta, Gibraltar or Switzerland and who knows if the 39 Andorra is a high tech development center for the markets, with low taxes and access to all world markets. Parallel to this movement of information, they prepare the space launch " Towards the Moon " of Bitcoin nothing less than BlackRock the largest manager of & nbsp; Assets in the world. world with more than 6.3 billion dollars of funds, came out by giving two somewhat different but conclusive news a "yes" to the market Bitcoin . Larry Fink ( Laurence D. Fink ) the executive chairman of this fund, told the chain CNBC that they are fully involved in the technology Blockchain and who have the ability and security to work with the Bitcoin to save funds from their investors in this cryptocurrency that comes to say that a lot of funds that they manage, already want to invest in Bitcoin . Of course, the coincidence that this news is known when the news of the ETF comes out today, so they were highlighted for investors to see that this possibility they will also have through them, showing also that the race to invest in Bitcoin begins to be very fierce.

But not everything is green, because Fernando Molina also states in this episode "that we are at the beginning of a bubble of Bitcoin ", noting further that with the arrival of whales, the market will have two or three years of genuine bullishness until 2021-2022. So the recommendation is to save as much as possible, but be careful to sell before this bubble bursts as it is natural and then stabilize at an average price. This is not new, it happened in the famous bubbles of companies ".com" in the 90s of the twentieth century, but there were companies like Amazon or ] and they will be here Bitcoin Ethereum NEM EOS and those in general who have their own structure Blockchain then Fernando estimates that there will be about 100 cryptocurrences, after the crack of the ecosystem that will come cause some government regulation, until everything becomes calm again. In conclusion, what will trigger this expansion of the market value of Bitcoin the first and most important factor is the approval and launch of the ETFs Bitcoin of CBOE thus allowing the entry of large capital and investment funds, such as CME Group and BlackRock as well as the final purchase of the coin Coinbase of Facebook bearing Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency ecosystem to more than 2000 million users of this platform; a simple way and through the tool which these users are never separated, the Regarding the market Bitcoin right now it is very difficult to know that it is in full climb is about to break the $ 6800 limit to $ 7000 dollars and if you get your next bu The nearest is $ 8100 dollars. If it is held until the approval of ETFs without a sharp decline, although a correction may occur before this sharp rise is estimated on August 10, the market will have a continuous rally of Bitcoin ] and you have to stand where you can to pass the market fluctuations that the market will suffer because there will be large increases, followed by falls as strong (corrections) but always rising steadily, and here you must be careful cold blood and tranquility

Continuing last week's analysis where Top Top 10 of CoinMarketCap was superficially evaluated, this week, Fernando will propose his assessment also very superficial and without academic value, on some projects that are outside of this Top 10, but in some cases are interesting to follow. In the first place, Fernando keeps the assessment made the week on some pieces that have been tried to appropriate the name of Bitcoin and use the subterfuge to confuse the users on the topic of wallets and web domains, without luck because the investing public does not trust these crypts thanks to all these strategies, the last of them, for example, Bitmain who created an exchange called CoinEx and which, according to Fernando, shamelessly falsified the trading volume of its users must be placed in the first positions of CoinMarketCap because certainly no one creates these volumes with this small number of # 39; s users. The number of users in CoinEx is so small that its users do not even represent 1% of those who have Binance for example and can move as much capital each day as if it was the biggest. In the opinion of Molina, it is a marketing campaign, because if the movements of these operations were verified and the commissions for each sale were really targeted, the payment of taxes would be surely not so high in the rankings

. cryptocurrencies evaluations, according to Fernando's personal assessment, in position number 11 is TRON (TRX) and although this is one of the most criticized projects, we also need recognize that he is one of the internally worked with his mainnet and from the external point of view creating a very large number of alliances at all levels, so for him we must be very attentive to him because at any time will make a big leap in quality and economic power in China

In 12 there is another Chinese project NEO (NEO) another project that will continue to grow in 2018, so we must be vigilant to the large number of projects based on its platform that will emerge with great force. For Fernando, NEO is a very interesting project of value and attention of the Refuge The Key based on NEO which is practically worth nothing and it sleeps pending his explosion

In position 16 we have in mind NEM (XEM) this project which with its development of Catapult will revolutionize the entire world of crypto because 39 they will be able to recover from lost wallets or with forgotten passwords until marking the currencies that are in an exchange to avoid their theft and promote their recovery. Amen of big integrated projects in the Blockchain of NEM which are really brilliant, as it is the case of Banquera and attention to the launch in a few months Tezos VeChain and OmiseGO also have a large calendar of events for the coming months of TUTELLUS . of which Fernando thinks that VeChain should be one of the most interesting to consider because it also deals with important projects in its own network Blockchain .

Beyond, these projects Fernando sees in the recoverable group at Zcash and 0x thanks to the surge that made its appearance in the news of his next possible entry into the world. exchange Coinbase have had an extraordinary rebound, yes, no I do not live speculation projects, so that they can correct loudly if the end does not come in Coinbase but if they come, they might be a good choice. On the other hand, Fernando points out that we must not forget the Binancecoin or the BnB who, although he lost a little bellows to because of the initial fall in trade, all indications are that it is coming to an end at $ 20 or more next month if the ETF forecasts are met. In any case, it is the currency that must be kept in reserve to trade with MerkaBot (MKB) later when it will be on the market.

As final recommendations, in other currencies than Fernando in his opinion it is not there that they lose the eye, they are Siacoin (SC) [19659015] Steem (SMT) or Pundix (NPXS) who have a very interesting way to go there and who are also very well located. There are many more promises than Fernando, seeing them more calmly in the future Podcast and as the market evolves.

Finally at the shelter of the Top 100 of CoinMarketCap there are projects that attract attention. team of Bitcoin Territory and Fernando for weeks or months and that despite having fallen in market value after appearing in exchanges as HitBTC that are powerful, with a roadmap who complete step by step and that it would be interesting to take them into account Bank Bezop The Key and ETHLend who have a entry price at this moment incredibly low, despite having a powerful team, a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and interesting, which is under development and especially the potential of brutal growth in the coming months. In any case, Fernando recognizes that there are surely many others who may even be better, but since these projects know them well and closely, they give them more confidence.

And as promised, last week, Fernando left for this podcast to comment on the news found in the Deep Web on Vitalik Buterin Ethereum and as intelligence agencies of several governments. Supposedly, in the 90s, the governments of most countries wanted to put an end to black money and be able to control all the incomes of all citizens, that way they wanted to eliminate the physical money . With the arrival of the globalization of the Internet of Big Data the possibility of control is no longer money, but also what the money is spent that utility gives people to purchases including control obviously In this sense, they set the possibility of using the Blockchain for that. From there, Fernando points out that we are entering the path of speculation, multiple conjectures about who created the Bitcoin and he was really a Trojan horse managed by the world's largest secret services that a direct and indirect way were able to participate in Bitcoin . In any case, one thing is almost certain that they did it in Ethereum because apparently Bitcoin is not manageable, but his Hard Forks are. However, Ethereum is serious above all else, it's the greatest tool ever created for population control. Although the same Fernando comments that this may seem scary or an insignificant comment, but recommends not to take it lightly, whether it's true or not, everything indicates that people will be better controlled through Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. For a better understanding, we invite you to listen directly to the podcast by clicking here

As for the Meetups and Conferences, Fernando invites you to go first to one of the biggest events organized in the United States in the city of Las Vegas ChainXChange the first overall experience on Blockchain AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Innovation, to be held from August 13 to 15 at the hotel Mandalay Bay in the city of the game and now the city of Blockchain with a number of really important personalities, among others by being the best known at the world-famous level will be Steve Wozniak co founder of Apple, Nobel Prize in Economics Paul Krugman or Nicholas Thompson the chief editor of the magazine Wired among others For more d & # 39; Visi information tez

And finally, again the invitation for the 23 of this month of July in the city of Andorra la Vella, or in Catalan Andorra la Vella as it is called, in the hotel Roc Blanc the team of Bitcoin Territory will have the presentation of NEM ] introduction to Blockchain and ] Catapult in addition to the presentation of MerkaBot in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Without a doubt, an opportunity for those who live in the north and have not had the opportunity or the facility to travel to meetings of Territorio Bitcoin that were made by Andalucía. Participation is limited but free

Bitcoin Territory has a ( Weekly Podcast ) with news of Bitcoin Blockchain Fintech Altcoins Cryptocurrency Mining, Investments and a lot more content on this exciting world. In addition, in the Podcast Bitcoin Territory you can find accurate comments with the most important quotes in the exchanges, meetup diary, conferences and other relevant presentations of the coming days. 19659007] We invite you to listen to Podcast in Spanish !!

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