Ingestion of omega 3 capsules does not prevent heart disease: study


A study conducted by the University of East Anglia and published in the Cochrane Review magazine found that consuming omega-3 capsules or supplements does not bring about any problems. benefits to cardiovascular health as is generally believed.

Little or no effect on the risk of heart disease, stroke or death, "they published on the website of the university, located in the United Kingdom.

Omega 3 is an important oil for the nutrition of our body and find in the foods we consume. Many consume them through pills or supplements to increase the levels of this oil in the body. There is a long omega 3 chain and a short chain.

In the portal, they explained that the study was conducted with 112 thousand 059 people, between men and women, in good health or with an illness, from North America, d. Europe, Australia and Asia. They were randomly selected and asked to eat omega 3 or to maintain the intake they had for a year.

I was looking to see if the consumption of additional omega 3 fats helped prevent heart and circulatory diseases

of this review goes against the popular belief that long-chain omega 3, including fish oils, protect the heart. This major revision included information from thousands of people over long periods. , we do not see any protective effects, "said Lee Hooper, principal investigator.

They stated that taking long-chain omega 3 fatty acid supplements (fish oil, EPA or DHA) does not help with heart health or decreases the risk of stroke.

The omega 3 chain was found in the study. In short, present in vegetable oils such as l & # 39; 39, canola oil and nuts can slightly protect against heart disease and circulation.They point out, however, that the effect is "very minimal."

"A thousand people should increase their consumption of 39, omega 3 short chain to prevent a person from dying from coronary artery disease or experiencing a cardiovascular event. "

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