Instagram: broadcast of the last video of Demi Lovato before an overdose | Trade | TV | Hollywood


Pop singer Demi Lovato reclaims favorably in a Los Angeles hospital, however, continues the revelation of the details of the crazy night that happened before undergoing a drug overdose attack in His mansion at Hollywood Hills

It appeared that Demi Lovato attended a birthday party with his friends in a bar, hours before undergoing the episode that he almost cost the life.

ten seconds that was published in Instagram Stories last Monday by Janelle Hanson friend of Half you can see the dancer's birthday celebrations ] Dani Vitale with whom Lovato would have made his last tour

In the video Dani's companions are observed while they sing the popular "Happy Birthday" to the dancer . In addition, it is appreciated, in a fleeting shot, at half calm and serious enough to observe what happened.

  Half Lovato before his overdose. "Title =" Demi Lovato before his overdose. "Src =" https: // img / files / article_video_image / uploads / 2018/07/28 / 5b5c8d27e5136.jpeg "style =" display: inline; "/> </div>
<p class= Among the persons who accompanied Demi Lovato the night after the overdose, Dani Vitale is the only one who spoke on this subject : " Stop to be so hard in judging the lives of people you do not know, and focus on solving your own problems. " According to the Daily Mail Portal the media that published the video, similar recordings were removed from social networks after the news announcement.

It should be noted that the specialized portal TMZ revealed that after this holiday in a bar, Demi Lovato and some friends The celebrations continued at the artist's mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

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