Instagram: Chayanne surprises her followers with a 50-year-old hip movement | Video | IG | Shows


The singer Elmer Figueroa Arce, better known as Chayanne, is still alive and the thousands of fans that he has all over the world, they know it because he just has to share a video on his Instagram account, in which he appears repeating for his new tour, to get close to a million reproductions.

"Continue my essays of" 19459007 "From the Alma Tour 2018 … I will tell you how many choreographies I am learning," he writes . 50-year-old singer, to share the video that is already viral.

PUEDES VER Instagram: Chayanne celebrated her 50th birthday and celebrated it in front of the sea [FOTOS]

"What a beautiful dance!" or "Beautiful as always", are some of the comments that are read next to the singer's message, which shows the love and admiration felt by his fans.

After four years of absence, Chayanne has returned with his new tour, with which he will present next October Mexico City as well as in November in Costa Rica.

From the new album that he is about to release, the singles "Que me hace hecho" "Choka choka" and "Say what you feel" have been successful among their fans.

As you remember, a few weeks ago, the singer celebrated his 50th birthday with his family, facing the sea. The photos of this celebration also shared them thanks to his Instagram account.

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