Instagram: Emily Ratajkowski ruffles the net after wearing a daring swimsuit | Photo | Shows


Emily Ratajkowski again monopolizes the views of her followers on Instagram by sharing a very sensual photo, where she is seen standing on a yacht and dressed in a tiny swimsuit.

"Bye bye Mykonos, you were perfect – the last picture of me on a boat", was the description that the model wrote in her publication which got more than one million "Like" in Instagram

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The model tends to share sensual photos in Instagram where she can be seen with different looks. But, without a doubt one of the most striking was this white swimsuit with a pronounced décolleté and a thong detail.

Ratajkowski took advantage of a holiday in the Greek Islands and as expected, shared his day Instagram photos. Luciendo several models of her own signature, the actress also unleashed (again) madness in her social network.

In addition, she did not put aside elegance and delighted her followers of Instagram ] with original styles of dresses that made the model praise him.

In this way, Emily Ratajkowski once again demonstrates why she is named one of the sexiest women in the world, because her photos on Instagram are proof of that.

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