Instagram: How to enlarge photos and videos of your contacts' stories | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


The social network Instagram allows you to zoom in on the pictures placed in the & # 39; timeline & # 39; as in Facebook . But the videos and photos placed in the stories can not be expanded because this feature is still available on the platform.

However, there is a simple method to achieve this and there is no need to use third-party applications. less access to the root. This can be achieved by entering the settings of an Android phone.

To zoom in on Instagram stories, you need to access the settings / Accessibility / Vision and enable the "Magnification" option (manager magnification).

This function allows users to extend the entire interface of their phone to better see a small text, but can be adapted to any use.

Once activated, the only thing to do is to press three times in a row on the screen. In this way, the interface will be expanded, in addition an orange box will appear indicating that the extension mode has been activated.

After this configuration, you have to enter Instagram, click on the icons of the stories and touch the screen three times when you see the image or video you want to enlarge. If you need to zoom in more, you can pinch in or out without any problem.

To move in the photo, you have to hold the screen with two fingers and slide. To exit the extension mode, you can touch it three times or press the back button

This tip is very simple and allows the user to see the details of the photos that his contacts download on Instagram.

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