Instagram improves its two-step security check



These Days Instagram is working on improving its two-step security audit, reported the TechCrunch website.

According to a report provided by the Motherboard website some cyber criminals had found a way to steal a phone number and assign it to another SIM card, which allowed them to get a better deal. access services using SMS messages like the one used by the Instagram verification process.

] New Audit

In order to avoid the use of SMS Instagran will implement a new verification procedure through services such as Google Authenticator or Google Duo which can generate a unique code that can not be generated by a different phone even if the number associated with the device has been stolen.

The two-step verification was introduced by Instagram two years ago, in No effort to improve the protection of user accounts, but the growing reports on the theft of mobile phone numbers have made them see the need to find a safer method.

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