Instagram: Khloé Kardashian criticized by his sister Kourtney | Ing | Twitter | social networks | Kardashian | trends


Controversy in social networks. Khloé Kardashian has been the target of criticism in the last hours after being criticized by his Instagram followers for posting a video calling his sister "delayed" Kourtney Kardashian .

. What really happened for Khloe to call his sister this way? Although the video has already been removed from the account of Kardashian fans have not forgotten it and claim via Twitter.

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In this recording, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian show their exercise routines when a apparent failure in the Khloe gets upset and loses patience, complaining that his sister called him "delayed".

Kourtney Kardashian calls his sister in the same way while trying to solve the connection problem. Prior to that, Instagram followers began to claim through the social network, to which Khloé had to apologize.

Through Twitter, one of his followers pointed to him Khloe that he should "pay more attention to the words you use" and told him that if his daughter had a handicap, she would refer differently.

"I hate this word, why did I say it? You are absolutely right and the reality is I can not stand when people use this term, I will do better! I am so sorry !:( Much love for today, "he wrote in response on Twitter.

 Khloe's excuse

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