Instagram: Khloé Kardashian Criticized by Sentencing of Sister Kourtney | Trade | TV | Hollywood


Khloé Kardashian earned critics of his Instagram followers after posting a video in which he refers to his sister Kourtney Kardashian as "delayed".

In the recording that sparked controversy, Khloé and Kourtney Kourtney show their exercise routines when an apparent failure in the connection of their cell phones upsets the model, who complains to his sister using the adjective "delayed".

Kourtney Kardashian followed the conversation by calling his sister in the same way, who tried to solve the problem, but users of Instagram did not like it at all, that is why ] Khloe Kardashian had to apologize.

Subscribers Twitter pointed out to Khloe Kardashian that he should "pay more attention to the words that he uses" and they even told him said that if her daughter had a disability, she would refer to it differently.

"I hate this word, why did I say it? You are absolutely right and the reality is that I can not stand when people use it. In the end, I'll do better! Sorry! 🙁 Lots of love for today, "he wrote in response Khloe Kardashian on Twitter .

The Disciples of Khloe Kardashian accepted the excuses of the model, they argued that it is the right way to ask for forgiveness, since errors must be assumed without excuses and automatically try to improve.

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