Instagram: Kylie Jenner Shows Stormi Webster's Luxury Shoe Collection | VIDEO | Shows


The model and businesswoman, Kylie Jenner, divided her fans with her latest post on Instagram . The 20-year-old girl found it positive to share with her supporters the shoe collection for her baby, but she did not imagine that some internet users would attack her because of the eccentric value of each of the clothes.

Jenner, who decided some time ago not to show images of Stormi Wester on his social networks, said nothing about expensive shoes that small shoes. Here is a sample of them.

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In Instagram Kylie Jenner posted a video where she reveals the impressive collection of bespoke shoes for your girl. While you can not know the exact number of clothes, followers indicate that the total cost can reach 20 thousand dollars.

With brands ranging from Uggs for babies, Fendi ballerinas, Air Force 1 sneakers and The Nike Air Jordan 1s, the shoes of Stormi Webster are the objects of desire of the fans of his famous mother. But that's not all, Jenner's attentive fans have managed to see between the shoes, the exclusive creations of Giuseppe Zanotti, Gucci and the pair of shoes that his friend Katy Perry gave him.

The comments of his supporters are divided. While some claim that Kylie Jenner can buy her daughter what she wants, other internet users mention that it is an excess and a luxury. "You can buy it, but why show it on your social networks? There are some that do not have a lot of money," commented one of his fans. Do you agree?

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