Instagram: Lele Pons mocks the "Chona Challenge" and everything ends badly | Video | Viral | La Voz Mexico | Shows


Lele Pons, youtuber and host of "La Voz México", could not miss the viral challenge of "The Chona Challenge" and won on Instagram with a video, where she s'. is vaunted his dance steps, however, everything went out of control when his partner imitated the challenge.

What happened? While Lele Pons was watching the camera making her hot steps, her partner joined the rhythm forgetting that he had control of the steering wheel. The young people noticed that the truck was walking along the avenue and they were speechless when it hit another vehicle.

YOU CAN SEE: Lele Pons hits the Internet with her before and after

For the tranquility of her supporters, Lele Pons and her partner are fine because everything was about the characteristic sarcasm of youtuber about the fury that causes "The Chona Challenge" .

His fans fell before his Lele Pons moves and the funny video that already accumulates about a million views on Instagram.

Lele Pons has an enviable figure and his charisma that reflects in the cameras has dazzled the millions of fans that he has on his various digital platforms.

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