Instagram plunges us more and more into the


Instagram is the social network of the moment for the greatest amount of attention that it manages to attract. Much of this comes from the younger audience, who find an option much more appealing than the traditional Twitter or Facebook for the visual content that is published there, although time has shown that there is no has no age limits, seeing increasing use of this in all segments.

But beyond the visual there is another tremendously important factor in what is Instagram's success and does not only increase it, but increase its appeal over time: the tools and options that the application incorporates to share content and consume it in the most diverse way.

This is something that has become particularly evident over the last few weeks, where we have witnessed a steady stream of new features that, in addition to wanting to give the user more freedom to use the platform as it pleases, they are unequivocally intended to invest a growing amount of time in the application

You will not escape

Instagram has woven a complex web and entangled spider in which the new tools, which seem to appear spontaneously, come closer to all those who use the social network of photography and video.

The palm of evidence, which until now has been taken by popular stories, continues to be exhibited with even more evidence after the arrival of IGTV, the 39 video space with which the platform wants to fight, or at least complement, YouTube.

This is stocked with other options that are lighter in importance, but equally important in the sense of attracting more people to serve and those who are already using this extensively more. These include the arrival of * music stickers to stories, introducing group video calls, redesigning the Explorer tab to see the content that is most interesting for each person or the opportunity to make purchases without having to leave the application.

In short, once you enter the application to see a notification or quickly check the latest publications, it becomes easier and easier to stay there for a long time

. to the platform the best figures in its history and, while the major manufacturers in the industry are trying to restrict the use we give to our smartphone to invest time in a more responsible way, Instagram gives more and more arguments to the user opposite direction

At the moment, the play is round: already has more than 1,000 million users who visit the application at less once a month and 400 million people who use stories on a daily basis.



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