Instagram: The radical change of Zac Efron who impressed his millions of fans | Trade | TV | Farándula


Zac Efron has become a trend in social networks because of the new hairstyle that has been made. By his account of Instagram the actor who made himself known for his leading role in High School Musical, showed his new hair full of dreadlocks, which left his millions of fans voiceless.

This is not the first time Zac has changed his style. At 31, he still keeps the smile that made him known in Disney movies. However, with this new appearance, it leaves no trace of the famous "Troy Bolton" that has conquered millions of teenagers a little more than a decade ago.

Efron has published a close-up photo in which he is wearing sunglasses and comes out with his head tilted to the ground. What stands out most in the picture, which is in black and white, is the hair of the actor, who has become rasta.

This photo left all of his Instagram followers affected. However, the actor writes next to the photo: "just for fun", letting us know that these dreadlocks would be momentary and would not be part of his permanent style.

Photo of Zac Efron in Instagram Accumulate over 1.4 million likes in a day.

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