iPhone XR, reviews after a month of use


The iPhone XR does not occupy as much room in your pocket as an iPhone XS Max and my skinny jeans like it. The XR is my main phone since its launch in late October.

Óscar Gutiérrez / CNET

The iPhone XR I had imagined it as an iPhone 5C – as a weak version of Apple's flagship phone in turn – and I've never been deceived in that way.

For a month, I've been using the iPhone XR as the primary phone and not only do I find the best size for the entire portfolio of current Apple phones, but I also think it's the iPhone that most people are looking for. The Apple phone should buy.

The iPhone XR is not the best Apple phone this year, but it's ideal, in my opinion. That's because it has the same Bionic A12 processor that we see in the XS; thin bevel design and all TrueDepth features; It has the same 3GB of RAM as the 5.8-inch XS and still costs at least $ 250 less than the XS.

But do not believe me and do not take what I say for granted – the best way to prove it is to hold it in your hands and the same thing will happen to me. You just hold the XR with its 6.1-inch screen size and its weight of 194 grams, you will realize that it's of a size big enough to only not need the XS Max and at the same time is bigger than the XS to see a little more than content in photos or web pages.

What I liked about the iPhone XR:

  • Its ergonomics: As I said, the size of the iPhone XR is ideal for any user. It feels incredibly good in your hand and is not as big as the iPhone XS Max.
  • Design: It is true that the iPhone XR does not look so spectacular because its sides are not steel (they are aluminum), but that compensates for the variety of shades. Personally I like yellow, red and blue; but there are three other tones (black, white and coral) for all tastes.
  • It has the option of 128 GB: It may not be relevant for some, but for me it does. The iPhone XR can be purchased in internal storage versions of 64GG, 128GB and 256GB, while its older brothers do not have the 128GB option (and there is an option going up to To 512 GB). In my opinion, 128 GB is the best option because it is enough for a huge amount of songs, photos and videos and you will not have to spend a lot.
  • Battery life: The iPhone XR has the best battery life of the three new iPhone and perhaps all existing cell phones. With a single charge, it lasts a day and a half and up to two. I would have thought that the XS Max would last longer, but with a smaller LCD screen, the XR tends to last longer on battery tracks.
  • He has wireless charge: Again, the XR remains very little compared to the XS. By having a beautiful glass body, the iPhone XR can also be loaded with a Qi base.
  • It is resistant to water: Although I am not one of those who recommend putting a phone in the water (that is what the action cameras are for), it is good to have some protection . The iPhone XR has an IP67 water resistance that is not as good as that of the XS (IP68) but will be useful in case of an accident.
  • It has the portrait mode: The iPhone XR has a single camera on the back, but this does not prevent people photos in Portrait mode from not focusing the background. In the XR, Apple uses this software effect to work as well as in the XS that uses both cameras. When you use software, the photos are not cropped like in the case of the XS, so you can make portraits with a wider field of view. Of course, Portrait mode does not work with objects or animals (although you can solve it by using the Halide app, one of my favorites for photography).
  • A TrueDepth
  • It does not ask the XS much: The iPhone XR has a thin bevel body, equips the TrueDepth system, has the A12 Bionic processor and 3GB of RAM. Basically, you get (almost everything) the best that Apple can offer but without paying much.

What I do not like about the iPhone XR

And of course, everything can not be just honey on flakes, so here's what I did not like about the iPhone XR, or what I miss about other iPhones compared to the XR:

  • Yes, I miss the OLED screen: Although the iPhone XR has a screen as good as an iPhone 8, the OLED screen I miss. I know that the LCD screen is enough for many people, but the most demanding users will want the benefits of OLEDs such as darker blacks and brighter colors.
  • I need 3D Touch: I am one of the few people to use 3D Touch and I miss it a lot on the iPhone XR. Apple realized that 3D Touch was very useful in situations as mundane as posting notifications and through software making some improvements, but I would like to see more implementations of this type in the entire system (especially that of a long press on the icons). to display a sub-menu of quick actions).
  • The absence of telephoto: If you like photography, you may miss the second telephoto lens in the XS. This lens helps zoom images to come out much better.
  • The price: Although US $ 749 is a reasonable price to have a iPhone XI think 699 USD and even 650 USD would have been much better. A lower price would not only have encouraged sales, but would have also allowed the company to better position itself against its rivals on Android.

To play:
Look at this:

iPhone XR vs. iPhone XS: Do you save $ 250?


With an initial price of 750 USD, the iPhone XR costs respectively 250 USD and 350 USD less than the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max, while retaining its most important functions. It is true that the phone loses some features such as the OLED screen, the best water resistance or the dual rear camera, but these features are in most cases, and even more important, for most people, aspects that are not. necessary.

Friends, acquaintances and relatives asked me if they had to buy the iPhone XS o iPhone XS Maxbut I suggest that the iPhone XR is a better option, unless you necessarily want the OLED screen or the second lens on the back; the rest of the differences seem superfluous to me (like the thickness of the bevels, the resistance to water or the difference of some materials).

But what I love most about the iPhone XR is that it's still an iPhone, despite its lower price and its differences with the XS. The XR uses iOS which, for my taste, is the safest, easiest to use operating system and the application store that brings together the best in quality and quantity. It's a complete phone, balanced and ready to enter an Apple ecosystem or be the starting point of a new one.

If you do not want to spend a lot of money and are thinking of buying a new iPhone, the XR is your best option … Now the only difficult thing to do is decide which color to buy.

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