Iran demands that Israel be tried for the murder of Palestinian children | news


Iran's ambassador to the UN, Qolamali Joshru, called on Israel and Saudi Arabia to be prosecuted for killing Palestinian and Yemeni children.

This motion was made Monday during a debate in the Security Council. The Council on this occasion had for main theme the children in the armed conflicts, the Persian diplomat took advantage of the context to also denounce the silence of United Nations (UN) before the United Nations (UNSC) in New York. the deliberate killing of children in both cases.

Joshru asked the UN to put Israel on the blacklist of countries that violate the rights of children, not without first designating the Israeli regime as the "greatest regime" In addition, it condemned the daily killing of children in Yemen, as a result of the military campaign conducted by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in that country.

The Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN added that the death Children are a tactic of war followed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the terrorist group ISIL (Daesh, in Arabic) to put pressure on their enemies.

also emphasized that the prevention or cessation of armed conflict is the most effective way to protect children from these crimes.

At Monday's session, the UN Security Council unanimously approved resolution 2427 calling for the protection of minors during armed conflict. the norms of international law relating to the recruitment and use of minors by one or the other of the parties to an armed conflict, as well as their repeated recruitment, killings and mutilations, rapes, kidnappings, attacks on schools and hospitals and impediments to humanitarian access. "

>> The Israeli army murders 10 Palestinian children a month, according to an NGO

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