Iran rejects Donald Trump's threat to President Hasan Ruhani | International | news


Tehran –

The Iranians on Monday rejected the possibility that the bellicose exchange between the US president and his Iranian counterpart could lead to a military conflict, but they expressed growing concern that US sanctions would hurt their fragile economy.

In his latest affront on Twitter, Donald Trump warned Hasan Ruhani on Sunday night that he would face serious consequences for threatening his country.

Trump tweeted about the dangers for Iran of making hostile threats to Washington after Ruhani earlier in the day that "the United States must fully understand that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and that the war with Iran is the mother of all wars. "

In his response, the American leader warned: "Never again threaten the United States, otherwise they will suffer the consequences, because few have suffered before."

The White House said Monday Trump shows that the president will not tolerate critical rhetoric from Iran, but said the leader does not increase tensions between the two countries.

"If someone makes a point, do not look beyond Iran," said Sarah Sanders, press secretary of the White House. He added that Tump had been "very clear about what he would not allow".

The Iranian news agency IRNA described Trump's tweet as a "passive reaction" to Ruhani's remarks.

Residents of the Iranian capital, Tehran, reacted calmly to the exchange.

"The United States and Iran have threatened in many ways for several years," resigned Mohsen Taheri, a 58-year-old publisher. 19659002] A headline in a local newspaper quoted Ruhani as saying, "Mr. Trump, do not play with the tail of the lion."

Iranian political analyst Seed Leilaz downplayed the rhetoric by pointing out that at his opinion, it was "the storm before calm".

Leilaz told The Associated Press he was not "concerned about statements and tweets" and that "neither Iran nor any other country are interested in escalating tensions In the region."

Recalling hard words exchanged by the United States and Korea In the north, before the high-level summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Leilaz said the two leaders had "reacted" despite the warnings.

Trump's message resonated in the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the US president's "firm stance" after years in which the "(Iranian) regime was ruined by the world powers".

Earlier this year, Trump retired United States of an international pact to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon and ordered increased sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Earlier on Sunday, Ruhani warned Trump saying "Do not play with the lion's tail" and threaten Iran, "Or regret it". The US president had suggested earlier this month that in the face of economic pressures, the Iranian leaders would "call me and say" let's get an agreement. "But Tehran rejected the talks and Ruhani accused Washington of stoking. an "economic war."

Ruhani has already attacked Trump for threatening to reimpose sanctions, for transferring the United States Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and for banning the citizens of certain nations with a Muslim majority to enter the country.

Trump's tweet suggested that he had little patience to exchange hostile messages with Iran because he used unusually powerful language and almost all the text was written in capital letters

"We are no longer a country that will endure your crazy words. violence and death. Be careful! "He wrote

Another Tehran resident, Mehdi Naderi, feared that the White House measures and his own government policies would harm the life of the average Iranian.

He is threatening the Iranian people with his sanctions and our government is doing the same with his incompetence and mismanagement, "said Naderi, a 35-year-old self-employed worker.

Trump has a history of incendiary tweets that seem to be quickly intensifying long quarrels with leaders of nations facing the United States

In the case of North Korea, public exchanges quickly cooled and gradually gave way to a high-profile summit and negotiations for the United States. denuclearization

expressed frustration because Trump appears to want to collaborate with North Korea, which has openly presumed to manufacture nuclear weapons, but not with the Islamic Republic, which In 2015, it signs a historic nuclear deal with the world powers

Since Trump's departure from the pact, the other nations involved – Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia, Ch and the European Union – reaffirmed their support for "Iran is angry that Trump has responded to Tehran's diplomatic engagement by withdrawing the United States from the nuclear deal," said the MP Iranian Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh to the AP. The dialectical battle between the two presidents was to be expected since the diplomatic relations between the two nations had been frozen for decades, he added.

"They express themselves through speeches since the diplomatic channels are closed," Falahatpisheh says. a parliamentary committee influences national security and foreign policy.

For his part, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was very critical of Iran during an event that was taking place in California on Sunday

. The country's religious leaders are "hypocritical holy men" who have accumulated large sums while allowing the suffering of their people. The accusation was formulated in a wider criticism that coincides with the preparations for the 40th anniversary of the Islamist revolution and the resumption of Washington's economic sanctions

In his speech, the secretary of state also spoke to mention the reach of the media towards the Iranian people. The Board of Broadcast Regulators (BBG) is taking further steps to help Iranians bypass Internet censorship and launch a new 24-hour Farsi channel on television, radio, and in digital and social media, " Iranians in Iran and around the world can know that the United States is with them, "he said.

Pompeo also attacked Iran's political, judicial and military leaders, accusing many of them of participating in widespread corruption. The Tehran government "has ruthlessly repressed the human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of its own people," he added to the Ronald Reagan Library and Presidential Museum.

Despite the ill-treatment that he receives from his rulers, "the proud Iranian people are not silent about the many abuses of his government," added Pompeo.

"And the United States, with President Trump, will not keep silent either 40 years of regime tyranny, I have a message for the Iranian people: The United States is listening to you", he said, "The United States supports you, the United States is with you." (I)

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