Is Francisco the hostage of the Vatican establishment?


The capricious and cyclical evolution of history could make that two popes of the Catholic Church, separated in time and distance by 35 years and an ocean, be paired by the brevity of their mandate and the image of the discredit of the Church that they will receive as an inheritance. Thus, Juan Pablo I and Francisco will enter into History for their struggle against the Vatican establishment, their undeniable personal charisma and a revolutionary style embodied in their own apologetic style based on the detachment of formalities and their gift people, leaving their choices as milestones of the settlement of the Eurocentric conception of the Roman Church and the outbreak of the centrifugal Church.

Thus, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Francis begins his papacy under the sign of "Franciscomania", a sociological phenomenon a person without prior knowledge of the subtleties of the Vatican Power or of the known prior ideology, become an icon of youth, breathe the winds of change and give hope and hope to the faithful immersed in perplexity and disappointment after the significant erosion of the image of the 39 Catholic Church because of the painful episodes of pedophilia accusations, illegalities at the Vatican Bank and palatial rigas of the Roman Curia (a plot of leaks known as "Vatileaks"), which brought the Catholic Church back to the 13th century scenarios and the validity of Francisco de Asís' ideas.


Promoting papacy in 1978 of Albino Luciani, "The Father of Sorriso", the defender of postulates of the Second Vatican Council, represented an unexpected blow for the most conservatives who tried to impose the conservative archbishop Giussepe Siri Genoese, defending a more conservative interpretation or even "a correction of the revolutionary reforms of the Second Vatican Council". Thus, Luciani's surprise election was due to the invaluable work of proselytism of Giovanni Bennelli, (a man of confidence of Paul VI who had obtained more than 80% of the votes of the conclave was in favor of Jean Paul I), provoked the disappointment and discomfort of the lobby of the most conservative cardinals to signify his appointment as a continuation of the policy of his predecessor Paul VI.

For his part, the unexpected resignation of Benedict XVI opened the door to a candidate dismissed by the Vatican his intellectual myopia was considered "unreliable", forgetting that already in the 2005 Conclave and supported by Cardena Martini was a finalist , although Ratzinger eventually became Benedict XVI after Bergoglio himself advised against his election to the other cardinal participants in the Conclave and finally, in the conclave of 13-3-13 and for the first time in history, a Argentine Jesuit of Italian origin or the Vatican's favorite academic theorist, Angelo Scola, because of internal divisions between the conservative factions who hold power with Pope Ratzinger and after dismissing his candidacy the rest of the Cardinals non-European because of the stigmatization of the recent scandal "Vatileaks".

Own apologetic style

Both will share an apologetic style diametrically opposed to their predecessors by humanizing the dignity of the pontificate with its kindness and gestures of friendship and proximity, an image that extends to all the Christian world after his first appearance on the balcony of St. Peter's Square after his election and which would be the result of the baggage acquired in the exercise of his pastoral mission as patriarch of Venice and Cardinal emeritus of Buenos Aires respectively, stripping off the hieratic mask that until then had symbolized the papal figure.

Thus, John Paul I chose as a motto of his papacy the Latin expression Humilitas ("humility"), reflected in his controversial rejection of the coronation and papal tiara in the ceremony of enthronement, the replacing by a mere investiture against what is prescribed by the Apostolic Constitution "Romano Pontifici Eligendo" promulgated by Pablo VI in 1975. Remember that he was the first pope to choose a compound name in the honor of his two predecessors (John XIII and Paul VI) and in sign of his unequivocal desire to develop the postulates of the Second Vatican Council and also the first modern pope to reject the majestic plural in his interventions.

On his side, Bergoglio, adopted the papal name of his admired Francis of Assisi (he poverello of Assis) and just after being elected Pope, exclaimed: "How I would like a poor church and for the poor ", a phrase that would be a nod to the spirit of poverty of early Christians and the ideals of social justice of Bishop Romero, who said three decades ago:" The mission of the Church is to identify with the poor, "as well as a message of hope for those who still dream of making this utopia feasible in Latin America.

In addition, he chose as the motto for the papal shield "Miserando atque eligendo" ("He looked at it with mercy and chosen"), in which he incorporated the emblem of the Company of Jesus on a radiant sun. Regarding his dress, Bergoglio showed from the first day a total disinterest for the aesthetic symbolism of his clothes, because he uses the simple traditional white cassock, black shoes instead of the traditional red luxury shoes, the iron cross that he used when he was a cardinal and appears seated in a white-upholstered wooden chair instead of ostentatious gold furniture with the red carpet of his predecessors.

Juan Pabo I and Francisco, Hostages of the Vatican Establishment

Paraphrasing Wright Mills in his book "The Power Elite" (1956), the Vatican establishment would "the elite group formed by the union of the European lobby, the curial lobby, the Masonic lobby and the gay lobby", lobbies that would be the real holders of power in the shadows and who would be held hostage by the last pontiffs after the coup virtual state in the cellars of the Vatican and which ended with the mysterious death of John Paul I. Thus, Albino Luciani has imposed as a vital task the development of postulates of a Vatican II Council charged since its inception by the conservative establishment filibusterismo the Vatican, but to achieve this should first disinfect the structures of the Vatican virus pathogenic viruses inoculated by pressure lobbies

The Institute of Works of Religion (IOR), known as the Vatican Bank, was founded in 1942 by Pius XII to "keep the property of the church, intended for charity ", a kind of Savings Fund and Monte de Piedad without profit motive or the power to make loans or direct investments that quickly led to opacity and has been surrounded by suspicions of money laundering. Recall that in January 2013, the British newspaper The Guardian conducted an investigation revealing that the Holy See has built a secret real estate empire with properties in the UK, France and Switzerland with millions of Mussolini receipts and according to the newspaper La Repubblica the IOR would work as a "screen to hide money to customers who want to escape Italian tax audits."

Having recently assumed his apostolate, John Paul I decided that the Church should not interfere in political affairs. of the black money that came through the political parties, (especially from the Christian Democracy that has always relied on the blessings of the Vatican to adhere to the Government in the CIA strategy to prevent the coming to power of the Italian Communist Party), but his lofty ideals have never become reality since his death on September 28, 1978, just 33 days after being elected, in what was the second shortest pontificate in history since Leo XI .

For his part, Bergoglio, despite his Franciscan heart and his Jesuit brain, would have ignored the maxim of the founder of the Society of Jesus, the Basque Ignacio de Loyola: "In times of crisis, it is wrong to make a movement" and he would have adopted as his sentence attributed to the puffin of Assisi: "Start doing what is necessary, then what is possible and what is suddenly, you will make it impossible." Thus, after the arrest of Monsignor Nunzio Scarano by order of the Prosecutor of Rome on charges of fraud and corruption, Bergoglio allegedly began the decapitation process of the Vatican Bank and placed it under his direct orders in order to to give the banking institution more transparency, the Vatican Financial Information Authority would have signed an agreement with the Bank of Italy for the exchange of information in the aim of strengthening the control and monitoring of 9; assets.

Currently, we would help an underground struggle between Francisco and the Vatican establishment in the personal crusade led by the present Pontiff to disinfect the current Church structures of the pathogenic viruses inoculated by these pressure groups. (booty of cassock) and to continue the development of the postulates of the Second Vatican Council. One of the keys to this reform is that national churches, laypeople and women gain a growing role in the conduct of general affairs for which it is essential that the formerly omnipotent power of the Roman Curia be diluted and delegated to the basic structures. This would imply a real "coup de mano" of Francisco against the endemic Vaticanist establishment, so that the process will meet increasing resistance from lobbies, not excluding the gestation of an endogenous conspiracy that tries to reorient the Church by expeditious methods. Romana on the path of the pontificates protected by the real power in the shadow (establishment of the Vatican)

Geopolitics of their pontificates

The pontificate of the two popes will be twinned by the scenarios of the return to war The cold US-Russia and its collateral effects in Latin America. Thus, the opening of the Church to its "renovating left" after the pontificates of John XXIII and Paul VI threatened its expansive continuity with John Paul I, an apostolate that ran up against the interests of the Church. Vatican establishment that the CIA had the habit of radiating their strategies of expansion within the Latin American Catholic Church. According to the Italian journalist Ennio Remondino, the secret funds of the Vatican Bank, whose origin would be the trafficking of drugs and weapons controlled by the CIA, would be used to finance special operations aimed at destabilizing or overthrowing "pro-communist" or hostile to Washington "in the so-called Latin-American backyard (" Contra-Gate "operations) Luciani's death took place in a Latin American context where the Theology of Liberation It was spread among the humble classes while the anti-communist military dictatorships under the protection of the CIA developed their "anti-subversive war" with the blessings of the far right.Catholic

President Obama would have found in Pope Francis a close collaborator in his arduous task of replacing arms diplomacy with dialogue and consensus, and he did not hide the affection that he feels in. ur the Pope and called him a "transforming leader" whose influence transcended the Catholic community, emphasizing his personal involvement in seeking peaceful solutions to the conflict-ridden US-Cuba and Palestine-Israel. Thus, after the announcement by the Vatican of the forthcoming recognition of the State of Palestine, Francisco received Abbas at the Vatican and again involved him in the umpteenth search for a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict ("You are like an angel of peace"), since Francisco and Obama share the conviction that there will be no definitive peace until both states recognize the existence of two states (Israel and Palestine), a doctrine that would be a missile in the waterline of the new Netanyahu government.

Similarly, Francisco reportedly participated discreetly in the secret negotiations between Cuba and the United States to break the thaw between the two countries through the exchange of Alan Gross and a US official by three members of "The 5", followed by Cuba's disappearance from the US terrorist list and the recent opening of embassies, but this strategy goes against the interests of and the United States ( immersed in a new episode of the Cold War with Russia), ready to recover the lost influence in these countries during George Bush's infamous tenure, obsessed with the Axis of Evil reportedly relegated to the forget this so-called backyard. ] Thus, the new American post-Obama strategy for Latin America will combine Kentish's stick and carrot theory to reorient the stages of the Latin American MERCOSUR countries and achieve their entry into the Alliance of the Americas. Pacific with the return of the Big Stick or "Big Stick" policy, including the implementation of "virtual or postmodern moves" in countries that do not comply with their dictates, not hesitating to replace progressive regimes populists from polls (Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Uruguay and Bolivia) by presidential military regimes protected by the CIA, for which the gestation of an endogenous conspiracy that by means of expeditious methods would try to reorient the Church Roman on the way to the pontificates protected by the real power in the shadow (establishment of the Vatican).

The author, Germán Gorraíz López is an analyst

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