Is Justin Bieber's girlfriend pregnant? | News


After Justin Bieber confirmed his pledge, rumors of an alleged pregnancy of Hailey Baldwin began circulating among the international press.

To confirm the news, several media and paparazzi followed Justin in recent days. The "harassment" suffered so much from the press that the portal Refinery29 confirmed that there is a video in which the Canadian seems very angry to be pursued by reporters . 19659002] This may also interest you: It will be the wedding of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin

What angered Justin was one of the questions of a paparazzi, who asked him if Hailey was expecting a child.

"What's your problem, brother? You seem too … normal to do this job … I just do not understand why you have to try to get an increase, you know what I say " Justin replied

In this moment of tension, the singer also asked that the cameras be turned off not to be recorded. Faced with this situation, the paparazzi apologized and clarified that he did not want to offend

Fortunately, things did not end worse … Justin will be dad [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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