Is Omega 3 Good for Preventing Heart Disease?


The recommendation is familiar: the consumption of omega-3 fatty acid is good for the heart.

That's why millions of people in different parts of the world are turning to fish oil supplements.

Or seek to consume it naturally, in foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as spinach or fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon, trout, skipjack, swordfish, turbot, mackerel, anchovies and

According to the New York Times, at least 10% of Americans take omega 3 tablets

but a recently published study indicates that taking these supplements does not reduce the risk of suffering. heart attacks, strokes or coronary heart problems.

"There is no evidence to support this belief, it has been established in recent decades, but it was based on studies that were not rigid enough." "said Lee Hooper, who participated in the research.

The nutrition professor at the University of East Anglia, UK, explained how they came to this conclusion on The Conversation website. 19659003]

More than 100,000

The conclusion is based on the analysis of 79 clinical trials conducted previously.

The review, coordinated by the Cochrane Scientific Research Center, was conducted at the request of the World Health Organization to establish the effects that omega 3 supplements have on the body .

"We evaluated studies that lasted for at least 12 months and whose follow-up period ranged from one to eight years." We analyzed the cases of 112,059 patients, "said Hooper.

According to scientists, fish supplements have no benefit (or damage) to the heart

So, where does this belief come from?

The Cold Origins

It all started with a study published in June 1971 in the scientific journal The Lancet

In the 70s, the habits of a group of 130 Danish researchers have analyzed Eskimos living on the west coast of Greenland

who underwent several tests and found that their cholesterol and triglyceride levels were low, despite the regular consumption of high-fat meat.

Eskimos are very particular.

Due to the extreme climate even from the Arctic, they can not grow fruits, vegetables or grains.They eat what they hunt, mainly in the sea: fish, seals and whales

They concluded that c & rsquo; Was the Eskimo diet that explained the low incidence of heart attacks and the absence of diabetes mellitus in this population

Thus, the recommendation was made that fish consumption was good for preventing diseases coronary.

And from that moment began the popularity of fish oil pills, which contains large amounts of Omega 3.

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